Kassy listened, trying to be patient, as Ripley spouted nonsense about how she didn’t exist and that her family was on land. How bizarre. It wasn’t until Ripley fell and started to swim like a child, that she started to realize that something was truly wrong. She felt her stomach twist as she reconsidered Ripley’s words and actions up until now. A human turning into a mermaid was impossible, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it? Kassy thought a moment, distantly remembering something she’d read from a human novel. "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." If she flipped the situation on it’s head, it would go like this. Ripley completely believed she was human. She believed merfolk did not exist. She swam like she’d never had a tail before and insisted upon going back to land. “...Ripley...” Kassy swam into the crawling Ripley’s way. She offered a hand to hoist her up. “Let’s say I believe you. You’re human. What can we do about it?” – Brendan nearly dropped the phone when a man’s voice screamed into it. He fumbled and caught it just in time. As the two voices began to argue, he ignored them momentarily and focused on the old man. “You found that all the way up there?” He looked at the cliff, then at the ocean below, his stomach churning. Whoever that purse belonged to hopefully didn’t fall into the water. That was a dangerous drop. “Thank you. I’ll need you to give me the purse and money back now.” He held his hand out, his eyes locking with the old man. There would be no argument about it.