The group accepted the decision. The kobold scout would be able to guide you to where he last spotted the chief, and hopefully they haven’t gotten much further than that. As you all travel north, the kobold explains what other intel they have on the Trog Chief. He goes by the name of Venomfang, and unlike most trogs he’s actually quite smart, which extends to his warriors as well. They’re disciplined though still rather savage, and they make use of poisoned weapons. Hearing this Pylia handed out the two antitoxins she had made yesterday to you and herself, since they’re likely going to attack the two of them. Additionally, their warriors number at around thirty. The kobold knows there’s no way they can take all of them on head on, and hope to use the traps to weaken their numbers. Skinwalker has a plan too, so the kobold will take you to her first so they can discuss. Finally, they know Venomfang has magic abilities, though they aren’t certain about the exact nature aside that he can conjure fire. Unlike most chiefs he hides behind his warriors and doesn’t fight up front, so getting to him will be more difficult. But at the same time they’re certain that taking out Venomfang will do a lot more damage to the trogs morale than other tribes, since they’re more reliant on his guidance to fight. Eventually you would reach a small tunnel that you’ll need to crouch to get through, though the kobolds can move just fine. The scout leads you to Skinwalker and her party, who were crouched around a small campfire. Seeing you and the group she smiles. “Hello. You ready fight, yes?”