[color=CC6633][b]"Don't feel bad! At least we're all okay. Even if it was just rats, and just in a sewer, it was all still pretty exciting!"[/b][/color] Steppe Arhcer would say, hoping that she could cheer her fellow adventurers up with just a little bit of enthusiastic cheers. Patting Guard Lady firmly on the back as they walked, she would flash a grin to try and cheer her up, as if to say that everything was fine in spite of their failures. Shade would go first up the ladder, then Steppe Archer, then Guard Lady. She would exhale, before putting her hands on her hips. [color=CC6633][b]"So, first laundry and baths...then maybe another job?"[/b][/color] The nomad girl would say, smiling brightly in spite of how horrendously filthy she was now. [color=CC6633][b]"If rats were too much, then maybe that ditch cleaning job would work out well. How're your wounds feeling?"[/b][/color] She would add, concerned for Guard Lady. Not fatal injuries sure, but...ew. Bug bites.