[i]After you read the wanted notice, you find yourself searching for the address that was written on it. The notice did state that if you were interested and wanted more details, you were to come to this address. Eventually, you find it and it is a small house, simple and humble in appearance. You knock on the door and a voice inside answers, "It's open," You open the door, and you find a strange room in front of you. The room is simple in design, but there are strange items that catch your attention. There is a strange pedestal where shapes made of light hover above the stone, cabinets filled with figurines of strange people, a large bookcase full of books, and a table with landscapes that seem to be moving on its own. The room is clearly much larger than what a small house could potentially have. As you enter, the door closes behind you. There is only one other person in this room with you. You cannot see their face, nor any of their features beyond the navy blue cloak around their person. Every time you try to look, you only see stars, galaxies, and nebula amongst the pitch black of night. The figure turns to look at you, if the opening of the hood served as any indication, and they comment, their voice humored and smiling, "I see you have answered the call," The voice that came out was different than what you heard when they told you that the door was open. The voice before was a man's voice, while this voice was a woman's. The figure speaks again, this time the voice that came out was more of a giggling child's voice, "That's great! Not many answer the call, you know? Let alone even notice it," The figure continues, the voice changing to a boisterous and booming man's voice, "Brave adventurer! You have been called to explore one of the many worlds. You have the potential to either save the world...or destroy it. The world is your oyster!" The figure then gestured to the bookcase and the cabinet with both of their hands, and their voice, now a coy woman's voice, "All you have to do now...is choose a champion, and a book, if you so wish to continue,"[/i] [hr] So yeah, this is my attempt at an interest check for a D&D 5e game with one other person. I shall be your hostess and DM. All you have to do is submit your D&D 5e character for the adventure. Don't worry, your character won't be completely alone, there will be NPC's who will join your character and become your friends and allies. Before you do, here are a couple things to note. 1. There will definitely be violence, and possible swearing. However, I can not, and [i]will not[/i] ever attempt, to write any sexual scenes. If anything does come up, it's going to fade to black. No ifs, ands, or buts! 2. Why did I choose D&D 5e? Unfortunately that's the only game system that I am familiar enough to DM. I can do a better job DMing with that game system than I can with Pathfinder or any other system. [hr] For your character, you can start either at Level 1 or Level 3. WotC material is acceptable, along with the new Unearthed Arcana material that has been released. You can either roll for your stats, or you can take the standard point buy. Along with submitting a character and their backstory, there are three world options to choose from: [b]Veridia[/b] This world has very little detail to it, so this is a world that both the player and the DM can world build together as the game goes on. [s][b]Krioka[/b] This world has a basic setting and history already established, however it is not as detailed as the next option.[/s] This world has been forgotten. :( [b]Exandria[/b] Yes, I am talking about [i]that[/i] Exandria. The very same Exandria created by none other than Matthew Mercer. I have the Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide to help us out. Alright! With that out of the way, I look forward to seeing the adventures and shenanigans that will unfold. [hr] [hider=For those of you who are considering making Isekai protagonist characters]Never hurts to have this just in case. I am one of those players who likes to go with an Isekai protagonist when I can. XD Anywho, the main thing with an Isekai character is that you have to start at Level 1. There are also some things to consider. Was your character transported here, or were they reincarnated? [b]Transported[/b] So you were born on Earth, and you found yourself in this new world somehow. What now? Your character has to be either a Human or a Variant Human. Your character can be any starting class. [b]Reincarnated[/b] Okay, so you used to live on Earth, and you just died. You now have a new body and you still have your memories of your previous life...or at least some of it. Mechanically speaking...what fun would it be to have a dice system and not use it for this premise? You will be rolling for your race while everything else can be up to you. For this character, you will need to roll a 1d48 to determine your race.[/hider] [hr] [CENTER][h1][u]UPDATE![/u][/h1][/CENTER] Oh wow. It's been four years since I put up this ad?! Wow...Where did the time go? ^^" First off, I would like to apologize to everyone who started a game with me and I just fell off the face of the Forum without a word. ^^" Real Life and other circumstances got the better of me. With that said, in order to prevent being burned out like that again, I will be adding a couple of restrictions: 1. I would like to do a solo D&D Swap. This means when I run a game for you as DM for player, I would like to play in a D&D game of your creation (I would be the player and you would be the GM). This way, we can give each other a break if we need it. Being the Dungeon Master is not an easy task, and for those who DM, I salute you. 2. I will not be taking on as many of these 1x1 Games as I did in the past. I will take one or two people for these games. After that, I will say that this Interest check is closed. With that said, I will say that this Interest Check is open again.