Skinwalker nods and explains, though she does so entirely in Draconic, since that's the language she knows best. Fortunately Pylia translates it more or less word for word for you so you can understand. "Not too far away is a sort of... Bridge, going over a channel. Past that is a sewage gate that is holding up a lot of water, enough water to easily sweep over the bridge. If we can time it right we can wash the trogs away with the sewage water, taking out a large swath of them all at once. The difficult part however is keeping them on that bridge since it's only about thirty feet long, so the trogs aren't going to stay on them for very long. So they need... Someone to distract them, to stand their ground and keep them from going pass the bridge while one of them tries to get to the sewage gate, and activate it just in time to wash away as many trogs as possible. However is that there's no short path to get to the sewage gate and it requires a lot of strength to move." On the ground Skinwalker has drawn out a rough sketch of the area. Pylia continues to translate. "So Skinwalker plans to take her team to the sewer gate and try to get into position to open it. However they won't do so until we give them the signal. Meanwhile, we'll get to the bridge and try to hold off as many trogs as we can, try to get as many of them onto the bridge as possible. We don't need to fight them, we just need to withstand them." Pylia gulped hearing this plan. She whispered to you. "This sounds like a terrible plan. Us against all those trogs... I'm not a fan, honestly." Skinwalker continued to talk and Pylia quickly tried to catch up with translations. "Their chief is a prideful one, but also very cautious. We need to make sure he doesn't realize this is a trap, and see if we can't lure him into sending his warriors straight towards you, all of them. It would only take a few seconds for the flood of water to knock them all away. Afterwards, that ought to help cull their numbers and then they can go directly after Venomfang themselves. If they try to just attack him while he still has warriors, his warriors would protect him with their lives, or worse, they might try and make a run for it towards the Black Claw tribe. We don't have the numbers to stop them if the assassination doesn't work, and even if it does the remaining trogs will still go to the Black Claw tribe and attack Shor's team. This is the best way to try and take out as many as they can, without too many risks." Taking a deep breath while rubbing her eyes Pylia seemed exasperated. "Gods. This plan isn't sounding any better."