[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190927/ec872736eeba8e3dc55880d587c94b7a.png[/img] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/c928ab3849a68a3b2eabe74014d07e18/tenor.gif?itemid=7537437[/img] [img]http://www.poderealsole.it/images/torn%20slit%20separator.png[/img] [/center] [indent][indent][indent]Unlike so many people from the class of 2009, Jace never got up and out of Palm Beach. He spent his days handing out math tests and teaching his students about polynomials. Fortunately that only meant about a five hour drive for him. The reunion caused mixed feelings for the man. While high school was full of fond memories, Jace wasn’t really super close with that many people who were attentending. Sure, there was Brent, but Jace would feel awkward using him as a crutch the whole time. Nothing was wrong with Brent, but Jace wanted to interact with more than just one person. Another person he wanted to reconnect with was Amanda. Though he didn’t really know how that would go with all of the history between them. He had heard about her wedding, but he had more or less forced the thought out of his mind over the last few years. They were adults. They had moved on…. Right? Checking in went smoothly. The receptionist was friendly and the destination was way prettier than the pictures he had seen online. All the pretty flowers and the sound of the ocean couldn’t distract him from the fact his heart was nearly beating out of his chest as he made his way up to room 202.[/indent][/indent][/indent]