Sylvia nodded in response to Pylia's question. She smiled as Shortfang reassured her, as did Buddy. She added her own reassurance, "I know, Pylia. It won't be easy, but I think we can do this," "[i]We have to...[/i]" Sylvia thought to herself somewhat filled with worry herself. It was insane, but she wasn't going to waver now. Soon enough Skinwalker led them to the bridge, and her team headed off to their position. She answered her friends, "Let's get to making those fortifications. Buddy, when you're done breaking the rock, I'll help make the barriers," After Pylia made her comment, Sylvia started, "I don't really have..." She then stopped when she remembered that she brought the doll with her this time. She pulled the doll out of the backpack and she told Pylia while Buddy broke the rocks, "Forewarned is forearmed right? I thought of saving the doll for the main hideout's entrance location, but I think it might help us here. We just need to think of a good question to ask it,"