[center][h1]Hello... Nurssse[/h1][/center] [@Scarifar][@AtomicNut] [hr] The nurse, one Ms. Mia Petros, stared in stony disbelief at the most pathetic and cliched excuse Meredith could have given her. Unless the stairs had been thoroughly consecrated, she found this unlikely. [i]'So that was a fucking lie.'[/i] "Thank you, uhh-" OK, what was this girl's deal again? Michelle? Belinda? Was it that she was two people, or that she only [i]thought[/i] she was two people? What name was she supposed to use? She winged it. "-Michelle, but after [i]such a bad fall[/i] she could still have a concussion, even if the surface damage has healed." It was about then that the two, plus one, girls would notice that suddenly a long, scaly appendage had snuck past them. Originating from under the nurses dress and stretching past them to bar their way to the door back out was a huge, serpentine tail. Then suddenly it burst into action and coiled around Meredith's body, dragging her over to the nurse's side. "Listen, kid..." Up close Meredith could see that the edges of the nurse's face had begun to grow scales. "I used to be a student at St. Lucifer's, 'cept back then I couldn't control my powers so well. Trust me when I say I have an idea of what you're dealing with." Her tail unwrapped itself from Meredith and then reached across the room to pull a chair over. The tail then retracted back under her dress, with a not so pleasant sound, and the woman sat, crossing one leg over the other, the tail nowhere to be found anymore. "Now you can tell me, or not, but I suggest you don't try to lie to medical professionals about your injuries. Especially when it's that obvious." She sighed. "Professionally, there's not much else I can do here... but personally I wish you'd let me help." She had a good idea of what had happened to Meredith. Someone else must have done that too her. She was a half-demon, that gave her all the motive and clues she needed. And, perhaps still being a bit bitter deep down, she really wanted to know who it had been... [center][color=007236][img]https://i.imgur.com/HQAIbb9.png[/img][/color][/center] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [hr] Vernon had been... busy. His attempt to deal with Galbrek himself had failed pathetically. Quite simply the man had no-showed on him. After that, sources told him that Galbrek had effectively imploded all on his own and brought down some hefty retribution. Whether or not this meant William and Andras were free of him was up in the air, but Vernon could deal with that later. Unfortunately going to his sources had meant going to his family... which meant getting sucked into [i]that[/i] mess. And then the cultist attack had hit some of their "resources," those being people that gave them money in return for not being kneecapped, etc. There had been a lot of shit to deal with. He hadn't even been able to attend the tournament. Afterward he'd visited William in the hospital, but he hadn't managed to time it for one of William's few moments of wakefulness and so he'd kept his visit brief. His bedside manner was frosty at best anyway. However, when Bak called a meeting, he figured he'd been absent too long. Because, quite frankly, why the hell was [i]Bak[/i] calling the meeting? He showed up moments after Cel and Diana. [color=007236]"Ah, I see. Great, put a pin in that will you?"[/color] Vernon took an exaggerated step over to the table and slammed his palms down on it, the unnecessarily loud sound bouncing off the walls. [color=007236]"Bak, dear, [i]where the fuck[/i] is Clara?"[/color] He had noticed she wasn't in the room, and now he was hearing she was absent? [color=CFD3C6]"Not here, apparently. Don't see me crying about it..."[/color] Rurik chimed in from the end of the table where he had his feet kicked up. [color=007236]"No one asked you. Now shut up before [i]I[/i] shut you up."[/color] [color=CFD3C6]"Do it, bitch. You won't."[/color] Rurik rolled his eyes. Vernon glared momentarily, but returned his gaze to Bak. This was unbelievable. He left for a few days and Clara vanished and Rurik got cocky. Well, cockier.