Lock, Shock, and Barrel barely managed to hold in their laughter. In lieu of it, Shock threw a mini tantrum decrying it wasn't fair, Barrel started pulling candy from his hoodie to munch on to "comfort" himself, and Lock just buried his face in his hands as his tail twitched in a frantic mess behind him. They kept it up as they headed back to the tree house, as some of the ghosts, shadows, and other incorporeals trailed with them for a time to make their way back to the graveyard. Once in the safety of their home, Shock lost it first. "You were right, Carver! The Mayor's head almost came completely off!" Lock fell over as he howled with laughter. "The looks on all their faces!" Barrel's giggles joined in the chorus. "Even Jack didn't know what to do!" He stopped for a moment. "Well...I [i]kind[/i] of feel bad about that..." Shock scoffed. "Jack will bounce back. I bet when he recovers, he'll think this was great!" "We're going to-going to be in [i]so[/i] m-m-much trouble when he does!" Lock exclaimed through another round of laughter. "W-w-worth it!"