[hider=Escape from the Vengeance][h3]Sonia, T'Kari and Oglivie.[/h3] As the alarms started blarring at Tarkin gave the order to have them taken into custody, Sonia stepped forward. "Please!" She cried in fake distress. "I have something for you. A gift." she slowly reached into her jacket and pulled out the small white box. She saw that she had piqued Tarkin's interest, despite the fact she now had every blaster in the room trained on her. She slowly opened the lid and revealed the glowing green gem. "It's very important, if not properly taken care of, it will destroy this entire ship." She lied. Removing it from it's case, the other two stepped towards her, straight into the line of fire. "Every hour, you must speak the special words into the crystal." She said, before bringing the Crystal to her lips. "Chaos Control" In a flash of light, the three of them disappeared, a hail of blaster fire pummelling the spot that they had been stood. As the Stormtroopers rushed the ship to secure it, the Egg-Pawn saluted them, before pressing a button on the console. The Egg-Pawn was then cut to pieces by Blaster Fire, but the ships engines had already gone to full. Tarkin had already bid a hasty retreat, which was fortunate, as the ship blowed straight into through one of the TIE Fighters that had been hung on the wall, then plowing into the wall, buckling the hull, then exploding in a brilliant fireball. As Sonia and the others reappeared on the Bridge, Eggman recoiled in his chair. "DON'T DO THAT! I'M AN OLD MAN AND MY HEART CAN'T TAKE THAT STUFF!!!" He yelled at them. Oglivie scratched the back of his own head. "Sorry, Gramps..." He laughed. "I thought we were negotiating?" He grunted. "They didn't go for it." Sonia replied. "I couldn't risk them getting their hands on the Emerald. Get ready for a fight." She ordered. "lucky for us, it won't come to that." Eggman replied, pointing out of the Viewscreen, to the burning hulk of the Star Destroyer that had been rammed, now making a good screen between them and the other large Star Destroyers. "2 minutes and we are gone." He replied. Sonia nodded. "I'm going back for Jack." She said. She then stopped. "I have no idea where he is." She said, slowly. T'Kari's eyes began to glow. "I can remove his cloak, but it'll put him in immense danger. We don't know where he is or what he's doing. If i do this, he could be immediately gunned to pieces." "If we don't, he's as good as dead anyway." Oglivie grunted. T'Kari nodded. "Be safe, brother..." The Echidna whispered "Finitio..." she whispered. [h3]Jack[/h3] Jack slowly crept around the corridors, he had no idea where anything was, but he was confident that he would be able to... At that point, his train of thought was derailed by an [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIFYYAUPCp0]intense blarring.[/url] Damn. He began to run along the corridor as fast as he could. He then felt a flash of power that he knew all too well. The Chaos Emerald had been used. That was bad, that meant they were running. He needed to sabotage something, even if it wasn't the Reactor. He reached the end of the hallway to see a load of gunnery crews rushing towards a door. He followed them, still invisible. He saw them rush into a large bay full of laser cannons. He ran over and poked his head through the door. The immense guns began pounding at the destroyed hull of the wrecked Star Destroyer, trying to get it out the way so that they could target the Egg Carrier. He snuck over to a large pile of glowing canisters that he saw the gunnery crew feeding into the immense cannons. He made his way to the back and placed his explosives there. It wasn't the Reactor, but it was gonna make a hell of a bang. As he exitted through the door, he breathed a sigh of relief, then looked down the hallway as he heard a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6mh45mA_JY]Shrill screech[/url] before seeing a hail of blaster fire shoot around the corner of the corridor, as [url=https://s4.thcdn.com/productimg/960/960/11396539-3984453710717228.jpg]what looked like a dustbin[/url] came rushing down the hall, followed by Stormtroopers. Jack began to hug the wall, hoping they wouldn't notice him. "Look, there's another one of the intruders!" One of the Stormtroopers yelled, before pointing his blaster directly at Jack. "Eep." He replied, before jumping out of the way of the blaster shots. He grabbed ahold of the robot as it rushed down the hallway to catch a ride on it. The hail of blaster fire following them. They rounded a few corners, before they saw, at the end of the corridor, EggRobo, trying to figure out the combination to a locked door. They rushed and smashed straight into the EggRobo, knocking it off of its feet. They lay in a heap for a second, before EggRobo picked himself up and whirred and clicked at the Astromech, as it squeeked and blarped back. EggRobo nodded, before twirling its laser and pointing it down the hallway. As the first stormtrooper rounded the corner, he was quickly knocked off his feet by a well placed shot from EggRobo. The next one was knocked much in the same as Jack threw a wind-wave spell at him, The 3 quickly got into cover, with EggRobo on one side of the hall and Jack and R6-T33 on the other side. Jack was, however, low on ingredients and knew that there was too many and the corridor too confined to run up and engage in hand-to-hand, where he specialized in. At that point, Sonia appeared in a flash of green light. She quickly hit the deck and rolled over to Jack. "Come on, Jack, we're getting out of here." She ordered. Jack looked over at EggRobo. "Let's go." He called. The EggRobo shook its head, before pointing to R6-T33 "You want us to take him instead?" "He knows i can only take 2..." Sonia replied. She had no idea that robots had such a concept as nobility or sacrifice, but clearly, she had been proven wrong today. "I won't have time to come back for you." She replied. the EggRobo stopped paying attention as it fired a volley of covering shots. R6 whirred and squeeked and screamed, but it was no good. Sonia put Jack's hand on her shoulder, before grabbing the Astromech and gripping the Emerald in the other hand. "CHAOS CONTROL!!!" They disappeared again. With his mission completed, EggRobo jumped out of cover and began to advance, blaster bolts cutting off his legs, arm, then his last arm, before a few more finally tore through the chassis. It fell down onto the ground, before exploding in a little fire-ball that wouldn't damage anything around it.[/hider] [h1]Egg Carrier[/h1] In the last few days, The Egg Carrier had been to 10 different worlds. Most either under Imperial control, in the process of being brought under Imperial control, or completely barren. In any case, their search for the hiding Prince of Mobius was baring no fruit. They had finally come across a shimmering cloud that their sensors couldn't penetrate and decided to investigate. Upon arriving, they found another fleet of strange ships. A quick discourse with them had found that they had found much the same enemy with the Empire. They had been forced to pay docking fee's by giving them Egg-Pawns. "I still don't believe it." Eggman shook his head. "Alternative Dimensions are one thing, but completely different time-lines are another..." He groaned. "YOU LITERALLY HAVE TEAMED UP WITH YOURSELF FROM AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!!!" Oglivie yelled. "Don't you take that tone with me, mister." He grunted. "But it doesn't make sense. How's the Chaos Emerald doing?" He asked. Sonia looked at it. "Seems fine, why do you ask?" "If this is an alternate dimension, then the Chaos Emerald would be reacting to the presence of the same Chaos Emerald from this dimension. "Unless they are too far away?" She retorted. "They have damn near infinite power, if they sensed each other, they would be reacting badly, as in "Blow up and take half the universe with it" badly." He replied. "Unless they don't have Chaos Emeralds here, which is preposterous, because the Chaos Emeralds are needed to break the dimensional barriers like this." He rubbed his eyes. "Dimensional travel makes my head hurt..." He replied. "What if it's Time Travel?" Asked Jack. "DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT!!!" He cried as he grabbed his baggy eye-lids and pulled them down, his glasses not moving. "Look, the other ships seem to want to get the scientists together for a big think-tank to try and sort this out. I think it's safe to say that i qualify." "I will go as well." K'Tari replied. "I imagine that my magics will be very useful in-" Eggman put up a hand. "Look, don't want to burst the bubble, but they're ALL Overlanders on those ships. We don't know what kinds of relations they have with the Mobians on their world are." "Did you ask them?" Oglivie asked. "Of course not. When you're trying to make friends, you hardly lead with "By the way, my people failed to genocide the native mobian population. How did your extermination go? Baby steps. Soon, they'll be eating out of the palm of my hand." He grinned. "Unless you want to come as my slave or something?" He asked. K'Tari's hand waved, before Eggman slapped himself across the face, hard. "I deserved that one..." He then looked at the data that had been sent to them regarding the Empire. "It's at times like this that i miss Kodos. That guy knew how to kill Overlanders, he'd have loved this."