[center][h1]Who's this?[/h1][/center] Hi, I've been a part of this site for a few years now... Despite not much activity. My muse is a fickle one. Anyway, let's keep this short I am: [list] [*] A 28 year-old male [*] Into anime, gaming, and general geekdom [*] Have some odd and kinda niche rping cravings. [*] Has been writing and roleplaying for going on 15 years now. [/list] [center][h1]What's this?[/h1][/center] For a while now, I've been interested in the concepts of polyamory, more specifically poly-fidelity. My version is similar to that of a your typical anime harem. But, there's a twist! Instead of having a bunch of girls hounding after a wimpy gary-stu with no actual personality, how about a story that focuses on various things: How the guy comes to meet and bond with these girls, the bond between the girls themselves, and how they come together to love and grow with one another. An example would be, say Vocaloid: Let's say that Miku, Rin and Luka have been very close friends since they were young. Over the years, their relationship has evolved into something more romantic. Then, they meet a new character who they also take a liking to, and decide they want him to be part of their relationship as well. TL;DR, I'm looking to do a mix of MxF and FxF by roleplaying a poly fidelity, polyamorous group. Now, romance is not the only factor in what I'm looking for. I also want to play out something action-adventure oriented, Perhaps a war between ninja clans? Maybe a nation's capital is under attack by terrorists? Perhaps some ancient evil is surfacing in a town? Maybe our characters are going through the typical high school tropes, while trying not to gag? The choice is ours! [center][h1]How does it work?[/h1][/center] A few things [list] [*] As the tags suggest, this is a mature interest thread. So, players 18+ only. The age of the characters can vary between 16-20, and the content would vary depending on characters' ages, and partner's preferences [list] [*] I should also note that I have an OC in mind that I wish to use. He's meant to be played at the 16-20 range, hence my request for such characters. If you're going to play a canon character, please note that it will be against this OC of mine. [/list] [*] While a male and looking to use a male character, I'm more than happy to play any of the other females in the polycule, since I know how straining it is to play multiple characters. [list] [*] I should note that I wish to make the other characters involved in this rp with you. So, don't feel like you have to make two-three other characters all by yourself. [/list] [*] In terms of smut/story balance, I'd say there should be more emphasis on story. Any progression into sexual activity between our characters should happen naturally, and only when it makes sense for that part of the story. Sex is fun, but let's try to keep it classy. [*] I am looking for female characters, but any genderfluid, transgender, non-binary players are perfectly welcome to apply along with female players. (Sorry, gentlemen, MxM rps don't work for me) [*] I'd like my partner to be able to write at High-Casual level. I'm actually interested in challenging myself and seeing if I can push my writing content somewhat, and I'd appreciate a partner looking to do the same. [list]Please note: Quality > quantity. It's better to write a few lines that get more across than entire pages of mindless filler. [/list] [*] Please be consistent. I'd like a partner that can post at least once a week. If there's anything going on that's interfering, just give me a heads up please. [*] No real-life face claims, please! I'll admit, I find it a tad creepy to use another person's image without their knowledge, or consent. [list] [*] On that note, if you're using original characters, please represent them with [u]original[/u] artwork. Nothing's more jarring than someone trying to pass off Hinata from Naruto as their "Totally Awesome Original Character Donut Steel!". I know it's hard, but please try! [*] It doesn't have to be something you drew or commissioned yourself, just snag an image off gelbooru or sankaku complex. [/list] [*] I love to chat OOC, as I like to get to know my partner. It also helps with the planning processes. So, don't be afraid to just chit-chat with me. [/list] [center][h1]What's the plan?[/h1][/center] What I'm looking for will be broken up between original pairings, and canons. Note, you have the option of doing something with original settings & characters, canon characters & settings, or some combination of both elements. So, if you're up for something crazy, let me know. [hider=Character Select] [list] [*] Police/Military/Special Agents/Vigilantes [*] Princess/Politician/Family or staff of politician [*] Ninja, modern warrior clan. [*] Miko/Priestess/Spiritual figures [*] Supernatural beings (Deities, demons, mythological creatures, etc) [*] Idol Singers (J-Pop/K-Pop) [*] High school/College students and teacher/tutors [/list] [u][b]Note:[/b][/u] Characters do not need to be limited to the above list. If you have suggestions, please let me know. [/hider] [hider=Canon Select] [list] [*] Vocaloid: Mainly looking for Miku, Rin, and Luka, but if you want to suggest others, let me know. [*] Senran Kagura: Looking for Asuka, Homura, and Yumi. Murakumo is also loved, but I'm not sure what to do with her. [*] Pokemon: Any of the female protagonists, Sabrina/Natsume, Erika, Valerie/Mache, Roxanne/Tsutsuji, Misty/Kasumi, and certain Ginjinka or Pokemorphs, especially of Gardevoirs, Lopunny's, and/or Eevees [*] Street Fighter: Any combo of Sakura, Karin, Menat, Ibuki, Rainbow Mika & Nadeshiko, Elena, and any of the Dolls is welcome. [*] League of Legends: Ahri, Sona, Akali, and some others are loved, and easily adaptable in most settings. [*] Ikkitousen: I doubt that many will be familiar with this one, but I'll just toss this in. [*] RWBY: I'll admit, I've not watched the show, but I'm at least familiar with the main four. So, if you're up for adapting any of them, then sure. [*] IdolM@ster: I'm interested in several of the girls, so just ask away. [*] School Days: Weird one, I know. But, Makoto will not be in this one! Anyway, Kotonoha, Inori, and Setsuna are of interest here. If you're interested in other characters, let me know... Just as long as its not Sekai, Otome, or any of the moms. [*] Evangelion: Wasn't expecting this one, but if you want to play Rei, and/or maybe Asuka [s]and cuck Shinji[/s], let's do it! [*] Sailor Moon or most magical girl anime: Pretty much any of the Sailor Senshi outside of Uranus and Neptune are much loved, but Saturn will need to be aged up. Ask about any other magical girl series you're interested in [s]that isn't Madoka[/s] [*] Oshiete! Galko-chan!: If you want to throw Galko into a mixed group, let's go for it! [*] K-On! I'm mainly looking for Mio and possibly Azuza together. Any of the others.. Please ask me on this [*] Strawberry Panic! If you think it'd work, I'm interested in seeing someone play Chikaru in most likely a mixed group [*] Elsword: If you're interested in adapting Ara, and possibly Rena to a modern setting, I'd be interested in trying. [*]Las Lindas: I'm interested in playing with Rachael, Taffy and/or (an AU version of) Sarah. Though, this will take explaining. [/list] [u][b]Remember:[/b][/u] Mixed canon casts are perfectly acceptable. If you have any canons you're interested in, that aren't listed, let me know. [/hider] [h2]So, who's this OC I mentioned?[/h2] Well, here he is: [hider=Jaden Bernes] [img]https://images2.imgbox.com/0f/17/NVCaN60e_o.png[/img] Part of a group of young adventurers dubbed "Los Bandidos". Jaden is a young man who has been training to hone his mind and body since a child. He's the logical one of the group, and often needs to reign in the rest, especially Modesto. While a skeptic, he's very spiritual and philosophical, engaging in pursuits such as meditation, yoga, and martial arts. He's very disciplined, displaying near OCD levels of orderliness. Despite seeming stoic, Jaden does in fact have a subtle, if sarcastic & sardonic sense of humor, and a bit of a risk taker with his practice of parkour and trial biking. He's one to approach most things with calculated, and precise logic. He's also an avid metalhead. With the help of his friend, Saleel, Jaden has begun to get more in touch with his emotions, rather than simply suppressing them. At age 16-18, this also means beginning to explore his romantic side and/or sexuality, though any knowledge of these subjects are theoretical at best. He's also the only one in the group I'm comfortable doing anything lewd, since he's very mature and logical. [/hider] Please send any responses, questions, comments, and the like to me in PM. I'm also open to talking and rping on Discord, but I'm only going to give that out in PM as well. Hope to hear from you soon.