[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XGPds7R.png[/img] [h1]Kotoki Tanaka[/h1] [/center] From her scowl, it was obvious that Kotoki was not happy with the Elecmon's attitude in the slightest. Ignoring the fact that it had looked under her skirt, it was being terribly uncooperative, asking questions back at them instead of answering their enquiries. "Yes, that's right. We are no 'noobs'—whatever definition you gave to that word. We are from Jormungand, and we are here under the orders of our leader. So fess up, if you don't want to get hurt." She continued staring at it with her arms folded. She didn't say anything back to Manaka—or the others for that matter—other than giving a quick glare at Shion for her laugh and her Digimon a little later on for stating its need to go to the bathroom in a time like this. She was perfectly ready for combat, if it came to that. The moment the Elecmon did something suspicious, she would call them out at once.