Alright so this is a genre I confess to be rusty as HELL in; this genre but as someone who has recently discovered the wonderful world of ASMR And Vampire Audio; including one Pandastic & Mastermissy on YouTube. Well, I found myself with a hankering for a good old; smooth; Charming Vampire roleplay haha... I have a handful of plots; I can post here as well as a Character I'd prefer to play but first let's get your usual info out of the way; Rules; Limits; etc & Of course the preffered methods of roleplay & such~ Rules~ 1. The Basic stuff of course; no PPing, GMing, etc; I stick to my character{s} & Vice versa 2. Limits: We can discuss these, personally I have little to none~ 3. Ghosting; Look I know things happen, and I know how it goes to be the sort that goes through what can only be called 'phases' where you have ever changing cravings, but PLEASE don't just up and- ghost me...If things change/your no longer interested/we need to change things up; just TELL me!!!! 4. Above and beyond; we're meant to do this for FUN. Which means it shouldn't put unneccessary stress on either of us!! 5. Posts length: For me this can, heavily vary and go from a paragraph or two per character to 4-5...I suppose you could call me mid-lit if that makes any sense at all. I am in no way shape or fame picky; though if we can avoid one liners that would be- awesome! Contact info: Discord: Suitcliff_Ohara#6646 Email: Can also do via Google Docs or Telegram. [hider=Plots & Ideas] Vampiric Realms In the world..There are two realms, or Dimensions...1 is called Shangri-la and the other, Shangri-li..They sound the same but they are two completely different world..1 is home to every vampire you can name..This is what is known as shangri-li..The other realm, Shangri-la is home to both gifted and non gifted mortals...The vampire's home is in the medieval times and they once had a great king..But when that king died, his brother became king..But he hated all gifted and nongifted mortals..What was his name? Dieran (Or queen Cleona, whichever) He banned all vampires from going to shangri-la except a few vampire hunters (5 max) but what happens when his son, the prince falls for a young gifted girl when he decides to sneak into the shangri-la? Hotel Drake There is a new hotel in town called Dragonia, it is a 5 star hotel that has exactly 10 levels including the lobby which has a bar, indoor pool and other things. What nobody knows is that the owner of the hotel is a male vampire and has casted a spell on the hotel where nobody can leave unless they are bitten/changed into a vamp..But, what happens when the owner meets and then later falls for a young woman named Vira? She has many amazing gifts that the owner later finds out about..Will he change her? Will he make her stay forever because of his feelings for her? Will he just tell her? It's up to you. The Undercover Huntress -Based around the Hellsing movie/ Hugh Jackman but open to Variants- Count Dracula, The Huntress My girl Luna; whom has gotten deeper into this then she thought. Having been a 'Huntress' and having what she thought was a friend in the infamous Hellsing; Luna had honed her skill well and learned to use her magic and her other skills in ways to help find monsters and beasts. What she didn't know; was that this would soon be turned all around when Hellsing found out about what she has on her shoulders; the entirety of a land that those of Irish lore call home; Not only does Hellsing realize what a weight this is; he realizes what he can do with it. Therefore blackmailing her; she's forced to work her way into the count's castle and get close to him; to report to the hunter; otherwise her home she's lived and fought so long to protect will be revealed to the rest of the world. What was not counted on; was when Luna starts to care for the infamous count; perhaps more then she should; and turns her situation into that of fighting to protect him by leading on Hellsing on wild goose chases. How long till Hellsing realizes? Will she tell the Count; what will he do? That, my dear is up to us to decide. Would love a count [/hider]