Khalida sighs softly as the plane makes landfall. She follows the maid out of the plane, and she looks around, her eyes catching on the Hollywood sign in the distance. She furrows her brow slightly, recalling that her mother is currently in a meeting with the board of directors for a nonprofit she was heading for children on the streets. Ms. Li would pull select teenagers and children off of the streets to add to the program, and Khalida was to meet them in person, some publicity stunting act. Asa sighs softly and she starts to walk around when she catches a familiar figure. Her smaller figure makes her stand on her toes as she covers Simon’s eyes. “Guess who! And no it’s not Marty,” she adds quickly, knowing very well of the man’s rivalry. Sorcha sighs as a crowd gathers around her, buzzing with compliments and how nothing less is expected of Odin’s daughter. She ducks out of the crowd, and she walks away from people.