The baseball cap sighs" just get into the car " he says chuckling Levi smiles and gets in the dudes car and thinks about school as he drives upstate New York . 'Egyptian god!?' [b]yes we are real and now my host[/b] Vic frowns 'host?' [b]yes you will be a vessel for my power and maybe eventually an eye you have the blood of the pharaohs now the host of sobek will be at your house talking to your mom she thinks it's a private school[/b], Jason pulls up to a shootout between some of his friends and pulls out his piece . Seeing his friend about to get shot he runs and tackles him taking the bullet in the shoulder. Getting up he shoots back but is riddled with bullet holes soon a valkyrie sweeps down. Simon smiles " what's up asa? " he says turning around The man smiles " not yet my new einherji there is still a new one coming "