Sorcha had moved to introduce herself to the red-haired girl, but when she disappears, she swiftly unsheathes her sword and points it at the boy that replaces her. “How often does [i]that[/i] happen?” she mutters out of the corner of her mouth. She narrows her eyes at the new boy. Asa pretends to pout for a bit, then she smiles brightly. “Okay. I hope she’s nice. Ooh! That must be her!” She bounds over to the red-haired girl. “Hi! You must be the newbie. We were just talking about you!” She giggles a little and holds her hand out. “I’m Asa.” Khalida moans softly as she drifts in and out of consciousness, and they arrive at a.. wait they’re nowhere. Khalida blinks, fairly certain she hit her head when a sign reads ‘Camp Half-Blood.’ “What the [i]hell[/i]?” She repeats.