[center][h2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] The Clan Rook fighters land on either side of my shuttle, and a small vanguard of Rook warriors, led by their [i]Aliit'alor[/i], Enra. The ramp of my shuttle lowers and I exit, along with my personal guard of [i]Ori'ramikade[/i]. [center][h2] Enra Rook [/h2][/center] I kneel, and my vanguard follows. "Welcome to the front, Mand'alor. We have eagerly awaited your arrival." [center][h2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] I motion for her to stand. "And I have eagerly awaited the chance to finally put and end to Jorg Sucal and his Republic dogs. I trust you and the other Aliit'alor have been planning how to accomplish that?" [center][h2] Enra Rook [/h2][/center] I rise. "Yes, Mand'alor. Temari Ordo can explain in greater detail. Her years of strategy are invaluable to our war effort." I walk to the left of and slightly behind Mand'alor as we both make our way back into the makeshift command center.