When they had first been introduced the princess elect had liked Luce Viscomi even if she did not quite trust her; the shrewd farmer knew better than to put her faith in anyone except the man to whim her future was tied, and even then she held back, even then she kept secrets. Whatever accord the pair had reached over the last few days lay in tatters the moment the perfectly painted red lips so carelessly tried to remind her of her position. The noblewoman had not meant any harm but wishes and dreams did not reality make. In pushing the official palace agenda, in presuming the feelings of her charge while looking down upon her, and in casually utilizing her authority she had made herself an adversary. Rhiane did not say anything. The way she looked at the older female as evidence enough of the shift in demeanor. Her gaze was cold and hard as if the pressures of the last day had manifested in turning warm pools of green to emerald ice. "How [i]generous[/i] to afford me the chance to speak on my feelings; however, I believe there is a misunderstanding as to what impression I have been left with and what I might say given the opportunity to be honest with the people," she replied. Luce, and by extension Queen Camilla, had a certain expectation of what they might be able to reap in terms of public favor if they shoved a microphone in front of her. Perhaps they thought she would dutifully perform as she had done before but this time accentuate her words with tears instead of smiles. Truthfully she might have before, but they had lost their incentive the moment it became evident she had nothing to gain through the offerings of the palace. The rebellion had tried to kill her but so would her future mother-in-law. It was hard to find motivation to stand by the latter in defense against the former when she was not convinced the revolution was the greater evil. "I think you would both agree that one of the fundamentals of business, and indeed this country, is exchange," she said slowly, forgoing addressing the flaws in their logic temporarily. "New Rome may not negotiate with terrorists but this course of action, I would caution, will incite them further. They will have absolutely no incentive to lay down their arms- there is no exchange, just a demand- and so it will provoke them into drastic action to prove themselves. But I am have no expertise on the rebellion," she added dryly. She had hedged on what knowledge she had of the group but now she gave Luke the distinct impression she knew more than she was disclosing. "I'm sure you know precisely what you are doing and are ready for the consequences," Rhiane shrugged while staring at Luce as if to impart any future blood spilled would be on her hands. And indeed it would be. Rhiane's conscience was clean. Her words also suggested, however, how the royal family and staff had pushed their precious pawn into a corner. They were condescending, disparaging, dressing her without care for comfort or health, while expecting her to praise them, and offering nothing more than criticism regardless of how well she did with her tasks. There was no reward. Queen Camilla would not suddenly embrace her with open arms and reform the breeding program to not end in the termination of Rhiane's life. Not even the sultry brunette's mother was sacred and respected. Once the princess elect had cited to Luke that when the stick was used exclusively without a carrot then no progress would be made. They had picked up their sticks; if anyone was kindly extending a carrot it was not the crown. "Regardless, everyone has been very recently reminded of my low birth and my injuries," she continued while Luce started to see that her attempts to humble and persuade Rhiane into compliance had gone horribly awry, "and this it would be inappropriate to be at a function with people of a certain stature. I will visit the local businesses with my bodyguards. It occurs to me I have been remiss in not purchasing something for my only female relative," Rhiane noted with reference to Callista. She was not seeking permission for this outing; she was stating what she was doing. "I am sure that will be more well-received by all parties." She strode with purpose towards the door, foregoing the device that Luke had just tweaked the settings on, eager to escape. Tears of co-mingled frustration and fury sprang up in the corners of her eyes as she opened the door. They could threaten bodily harm but she had already endured worse psychological damage. Her brother and father were undoubtedly stewing in contempt for seeing Violet Black on their screens. The blood money from the throne could be replaced by others that would be sympathetic if something untoward happened to her. For a splint second she even doubted that Luke was capable of the redemption she had so quietly hoped she could bring about through a revelation about the true struggles of labourers. Tobias was standing just outside. He looked down at Rhiane and then past Luce at Luke; it was only a matter of time before the peace was destroyed. The crown prince's royal cousin was surprised it had not been shattered sooner.