Ivy smiles and nods at Khalida, dismissing her. She turns to Arty with a slight chuckle and sits the new girl down. “And that leaves me to do what exactly? Twiddle my thumbs and pray the magical plates don’t work? I’ve got it. Pleasure to meet you, Del,” she smiles at the you her girl. “And yes, we are rather close.” She smiles at Arty, then back at Del as she checks the girl’s vitals. “We’re sisters.” Khalida sighs and leaves the infirmary, frowning down at herself. When she tries to find her way around, she crosses a boy with pink hair. Sorcha growls softly and holds an arm to stop him when a flood of demigods pass by. “Hold on to me if you plan on eating,” as she says this, she shifts into a bear. “And if you call me that again, we’re going to have a problem.” Asa giggles. “Can’t make any promises! Any questions?”