[@AtomicNut] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [@KillamriX88] [center][h1][color=FF0000]Luigi Vile[/color][/h1][/center] Vile had been a very busy boy in the time that passed between the kidnapping of his father, and the call to organize the student council of Mephesto's. The mounting stress, the sleepless nights, the extreme workload he put himself under was all apparent on him as he walked into the school. Rather than his normal blood red robes, Luigi was wearing a urban camo long sleeve shirt with an exceptional amount of pockets, a pair of urban camo cargo pants, a pair of black combat boots, and a large hood that was the same pattern, hiding his head to disguise his mechanical mug. Each pocket was filled with something, wires, rolls of tape, from one pocket hung a short coil of fuse. He was heard long before he was seen, the mechanical clanking and the thuds of Luigi's heavy footfalls gave away his arrival. However he heard a heavy slamming noise that echoed through the halls and his foot falls and clanking speed up. There was an almost unholy grinding noise as he slid into the doorway. He took a moment to assess the room, just in time for Rurik and Vernon's exchange. What was visible of Luigi's face through the hood he was wearing flared as viens began to press out from his skin, and he inhaled deeply before he strode into the room. "[color=FF0000]If I may make a suggestion to the both of you, behave yourselves. Be polite, and civil, or else Bak's discipline rockets will be the least of your concerns.[/color]" Luigi growled through clenched teeth. He stepped in from the doorway, and took his seat at the table, hunching forwards slightly in his chair. His eyes wandered until they fell upon Cel, and Diana in the same room. "[color=FF0000]Diana. Cel.[/color]" Luigi spoke, before his eyes landed upon Bak. He spotted her state of disrepair, and how a small trickle of black liquid dropped from her rocket launcher. His face relaxed, the veins that were pressing against the surface of his skin, the red of rising blood, the straining muscles all relaxed. He rose from his seat, and made his way towards her. He reached into a pocket, and pulled out a wire brush as his eyes began to scan the launcher, trying to detect what was causing the discharge. "[color=FF0000]Bak, it seems you require mechanical-medical attention. As the meeting go on, I'll work on repairing you.[/color]" He starts, before coming to a stop. "....If...you wish, that is." He adds, seeming to remember he needed to ask first.