Gavin nodded with a smile, "I'm glad I'm with someone who knows what they're doing." He started, "None of the other... Err... [i]ancients[/i] know how to blend into society." He said, hoping she would pick up on what he was meaning. Fez gave a bit of a sigh as he looked towards James. [i]"Humans are weird. Gavin's become so weird now he's human."[/i] He said with a grumble. [hr] "Brace!" Niccia called to Sparky, Sparky's eyes glinted a darker purple for a second as she crouched. The Dunsparce drew closer to her, she waited, her ears pricked forward and her body ready. Just before the Dunsparce hit, something pushed out of her neck fluff from either side- long snake-like tendrils moved to smack the Dunsparce back, before movign to slide back out of view. Niccia's eyes widened as she saw the flash of colour; she had seen that colour before. [i]"Oh. The theory was true..."[/i] Niccia whispered under her breath as she had instinctively stepped back. Sparky shook herself and crouched again, ready for whatever was to attack her next. [hr] The Female mightyena was stunned for a moment at Saruya's attack, falling backwards with a yelp. [i]"Arida!"[/i] The Male Mightyena barked as his sister stood with a glare towards him, [i]"Oh. Right. N...No names. No."[/i] Arida snarled at her brother before she turned her attention to the female Arcanine. [i]"What? Can your mate not fight for himself? Pathetic. How will he protect his lineage if he has to be saved by his Bitch!"[/i] On the last word she sprung towards Saruya, letting out a loud snarl as she did so. Harry looked to the Male Mightyena, who was watching his sister for a moment before he turned back to Harry. He blinked when he noticed Harry was watching him, as if forgetting exactly what he was doing. He jumped up onto his feet again and let out a low growl. Harry crouched and readied what he thought was going to be a flamethrower, only to shoot a large Hydropump at the Dark Pokemon [hr] Mitch waved a wing with a small sigh. [i]"I should be the one apologizing, yours obviously does this often. I have never seen Frosiien 'flirt' so freely towards a human."[/i] He said with a weak smile before he furrowed his brow and moved to cover his face with his wings, [i]"I worry that she may fall for him; Legendaries that fall for humans are often... Broken hearted."[/i] "You know what I'm looking for." Frosiien said as she turned away, her attention back onto the bookshelf. [i]"Looking for the Lost Dreams book?"[/i] Hoopa asked before a cheeky grin on his face appeared, [i]"Or are you looking for something about Humans and Pokemon falling in love?"[/i] He teased. Frosiien's cheeks flushed with blood and became slightly red, she sent an angry side-eye at the smaller legendary. [i]"Dausiin!"[/i] She hissed at him, Dausiin only laughing playfully.