Steph's face deepened in red as Benjamin spoke to her in such a positive way, "I...What?" She started, stammering her words as she tried to think of what to say, "What do you mean? Why is it a surprise?" She asked, her mind reeling and her brain trying to take everything in. [hr] The Operative watched Gaia, thinking about her next move. Only one thing came to mind, the agent didn't know if they should act on it but they did anyway. "Hey girl..." They spoke in a quiet tone, moving to hold their hand out, "I won't hurt you. I'm here to-" She was cut off as Gaia's expression suddenly changed from docile to hostile; A snarl ripped from her mouth as she seemed to lunge at the agent. The Agent reacted by dropping to the ground and cowering in worry and fear, waiting for the pain of death to come. But it never came, the sound of two beasts fighting echoed from behind their closed eyes and their clenched hands. The agent slowly loved their hands from their eyes and opened one, watching Gaia fight off this large moss green beast. "What the...?" She went to try and get a video but noticed her camera was broken. She swore to herself as she just watched what happened. Gaia backed away from the monster and let out a blood chilling roar that echoed for miles around, panting from the wounds she got on herself. The mossy green beast was worse for wear, it's body covered in claw and bite marks, blue blood oozing from the cuts and scratches deep enough to cause it to flow. It let out a low rumble before it slunk back into the shadows. Gaia stayed in front of the Agent as the beast disappeared, her spines out and prickled before she seemed to suddenly relax. A swift glance towards the Agent and she took off again, flying further into the mountains and away from the Agent. The Agent sat where she was, bewildered and confused. She moved to her laptop and sent off a message to Mr. Johnson before moving to pack up her gear and moved to messaging him on her phone. [u]Hey.. Uh... Boss?[/b] She sent first, [b]This is a pretty [i]wild[/i] question but... What was that Dragon Beasts real purpose again? What... Was she created for? Do we know?[/u] [hr] Harriet had pushed everything in the center of her room aside, putting down a mat and trying out an exercise her father had taught her when she was younger. She crossed her legs as she sat on the mat, placing her elbows against her tights and sat straight, closing her eyes and breathing in slowly, holding it before exhaling again. She focused away from the world around her, everything she had done today, all of her worries. She focused on this small ball of power that had always been inside her, waiting... [i]wanting[/i]... Her fathers words swum in her mind; [i]"If you hope to unlock your real powers. You must focus on them to allow their growth. Don't be afraid. The powers are there to help you."[/i] She focused back on the ball of power, focusing on the pull and give it gave her whenever she tried to apply mental pressure on it. Unknown to her, her room was twisting slowly, deep inky black lines moving from her body slowly started to stretch out from where she sat, coiling around the room and slowly up the walls; The tendrils moving slowly, ready to suddenly disappear whenever Harriet snapped back to reality. She wasn't ready to see them, but she was unlocking their power. Harriet felt the orb suddenly give away, growing before breaking and the entire headspace of her mind suddenly went fully black. empty. nothingness Growling started to echo in her head, the sound of something wet and strong pressing against the ground. Thousands of bright yellow eyes suddenly opened around her; a voice suddenly spoke, chilling her to the bone. [i][b]"You."[/b][/i] It whispered, despite it's loud booming presence. [i][b]"You are a prodigy. You are stronger than you think. You are a Regal Memopath; born of mixed blood and off world... But my grip still touches you. I will not guide you, but I will help your power grow..."[/b][/i]