The trogs charged, however unlike the ones before they didn't bother to go all the way. Instead they ran about thirty feet towards you; close enough for you to get your shot in, striking one of the trogs as he came up. It wounded him heavily, but he stood his ground as he hurled a javelin right towards you. Fortunately, the dirt cover was able to foil the shot, causing the javelin to land into the dirt but fail to actually do any harm. But what wasn't so great was when [i]all[/i] the trogs proceeded to take out their javelins from their bags, hurling them em mass towards the party. "Take cover!" Shortfang shouted as the javelins rained onto the party. Thanks to the cover they made, most either overshot or were buried into the dirt, though one did manage to bounce off Buddy's head and cause a notable cut. He didn't seem too bodied however you could see a smear of greenish-brown where he was wounded; that javelin was poisoned! But now it was time for the counter attack. "Focus fire!" Shortfang popped out from cover and shot one of the trogs right in the chest, just inches away from his heart. Buddy picked up the javelin that smacked his head and threw it back, however his aim was off and it went sailing over the trog as it was heaving from the bolt in it's chest. Meanwhile Pylia gave a quick, frantic prayer as she also stood out from cover and tossed one of her flame orbs at the trog you had blasted, hitting exactly the same spot you did and sending him sprawling to the ground in pain, and shortly dying. Pylia ducked behind cover while her breathing was heavy and frantic. "W-We should send the signal now! That's a lot of trogs!" You can see beyond the first line of trogs another wave that was preparing to come in, likely to swarm or otherwise assist the first wave. [hider=Rolls and Info] Trog 1 (A Dead) (B 2/13) (C 13/13) (D 13/13) (E 13/13) (F 13/13) (G 13/13) (H 13/13) (I 13/13) (J 13/13) = 20 Shortfang (28/28) | Syfr (1/1) = 19 Buddy (27/31) = 17 Pylia (24/24) = 12 Sylvia (21/21) = 6 Trog 1A Javelin vs Sylvia = 9 Trog 1B Javelin vs Sylvia = 16 Trog 1C Javelin vs Sylvia = 10 Trog 1D Javelin vs Pylia = 19 Trog 1E Javelin vs Pylia = 7 Trog 1F Javelin vs Shortfang = 18 Trog 1G Javelin vs Buddy = 13 Trog 1H Javelin vs Buddy = 15 Trog 1I Javelin vs Buddy = 16 Trog 1J Javelin vs Buddy = 22 Javelin Damage = 4 Buddy’s Con Save Vs Poison DC 10 = 6/14 Shortfang Light Crossbow vs Trog 1B = 13 Crossbow Damage = 11 Buddy’s Javelin vs Trog 1B = 10 Pylia’s Fire Orb vs Trog 1A = 23 Fire Orb Damage = 7 [/hider]