Darkspire sat on the edge of the building, looking out upon the city. It held an eerie beauty at night in this sector. The perfect scene for a story set in a post apocalypse era. She snorted as that's exactly what she had lived through. She had spent the better half of a decade studying the realm of theoretical science, and proving theories. The change didn't effect her as much anymore, leaving a quiet sadness about her. Darkspire, no, Morrigan herself, stood on a knife's edge. A delicate balance between her dual identities. Morrigan O'Connor, up and coming Physicist working at one of the most prestigious Universities in the States. Married to a man who was well known in the Military circuits of the city. And at night, she became Darkspire, rogue parahuman who constantly tripped over Lorne's affairs. She had very few allies and hoped that at least tonight she'd come up with something. A flicker brought her attention to the room and she entered, noting that there was another man inside. She eyed him cautiously and looked to see Taylor hugging William. "Good. You are awake." She nodded, settling herself on a levitated rock. "I have a few questions for the pair of you... As it seems that three of the four of us are among the highest ranked threats to Lorne." She spat out their name, scowling. "And I find myself in need of assistance and allies. If you haven't heard already, Lorne will be stepping up their attempts to... Correct their mistake."