Winter frowns. “Anything you want to work on?” Sorcha raises her eyebrows slightly and she sighs, making a decision to let him learn how to correct his stance through experience. It seems a good plan, but her training makes her tense at the awkward stance. She bites her lip and sheathes her sword. She approaches him and kicks his feet apart. She frowns faintly as she steps in close to his back to see from his point of view. He’d be able to feel her copy his stance right behind him so she can feel what’s wrong. She mutters softly to herself. Khalida nods. “My name is Khalida. Yes, I dreamed I was attacked by a Greek hydra, but I’m certain that’s not what happened. Buildings were smoking, so I must have been in a fire.. yes that’s it, I inhaled too many noxious fumes and I must’ve bumped my head fairly hard.. that woman is your sister? You are fortunate to have someone so kind as a family member.” Asa quickly twists in the last moment and kicks him away from her at the back of his knees and she lands in a crouch behind him.