Solae remained somewhat unconvinced it changed nothing but she mentally conceded his point that this revelation did not shake the 'pillars of creation.' Imperial Intelligence would almost certainly never find the vault and even if they did she doubted they would gain entry and access to the goods stored therein. The security system was was remarkably sophisticated and had numerous contingencies is place. If it so much as suspected a breach was imminent protocol would mandate it self-destruct. She could only imagine what the vault hidden close to Capella might contain; proximity to the center of the empire suggested it had the most spectacular of secrets and the most demanding authentication process to preserve the integrity of its exclusivity. Perhaps the contents of that vault would be earth-shattering for more than just the Falia heir. "I'm not certain how my data can help us," she admitted with a frown. "Everything is sorted into a folder by the names that Ten gave us," she further elaborated with a discouraged sigh, "and it's only the records relating to that individual. It could be something about their father, about them, about a cousin, but it's not a complete snapshot of their relationships, only the one or ones that are worthy of having information collected. Take this one for example," Solae said as she flipped through scrolling text with her forefinger, "The data on him is about how his mother smuggled illicit drugs for her husband's rival." Leaning back in her seat she stared out the window in contemplation. "I think the plan could work in our favor but I think the person you ought to be soliciting for advice is Ten, not me or what was ripped from the computer. Before we can hope to apply what is in the archives we'd need a bead on something more current, something that a criminal mastermind might have observed more recently. I'm sure there is an appropriate match to what you need, but any social tension or distrust from ten years ago might be irrelevant now," she pointed out. The diplomat couldn't be precise as to the date of the last upload because it had not been anything for which she was searching. Her only goal was to pluck out threads of importance as quickly as possible. The last thought on her might as she descended into the darkness underground was about how quickly they must move. Rene and she did not have the luxury of time anymore. "Duke Tan doesn't even know the vault exists," she mused aloud as she sat up and furrowed her brows in thought. An pincer attack could turn the forces against each other most effectively but there was another more crude avenue of assault. "If Ten can't shed any light on the correct person we could always release all of it at once," the linguist said with a wave of her hand. "If all of this was disseminated at once and tensions were already high, but none of Duke Tan's men were implicated, they wouldn't make assumptions we were to blame. They would be suspicious about the one person they think they all have in common that is aggravated with them." "Do you want to look through the data? I'm not sure how much it will help until we have someone to narrow it down to, though," Solae offered as she handed over the device once he had slowed sufficiently to allow the auto-pilot to take over if he so wished. Perhaps her ancestors had meant it to be for the eyes of their descendants only but she trusted Rene implicitly. Whatever she had that was hers was his now as well.