Brit snarls and spits at a stone-faced Sorcha. “Don’t think for a [i]second[/i] that this is over. [i]Bitch[/i].” When he’s out of earshot, Sorcha sighs, a little wearily, not paying attention to the spit on her cheek. “I can take care of [i]myself[/i], Charlie.” Khalida curses softly and jumps to her feet, but she sighs, unsure where to go. She approaches a majestic half-man half-horse creature which seems to be in charge based on his interactions with others. “Excuse me, sir? I.. i Don’t know where to go. I’m not even sure what I’m doing here.” Asa is brought back to the meadow, smiling brightly. “I forget how nice that feels.” She brushes some leaves off of her linen clothes as she stands.