Well, there may not be any work to be done in Kylliam, but that wasn't a bad thing either! The hamlet was efficient then, running smoothly with no one lacking for work or for workers, and strolling about, at the very least, gave Albrecht more opportunities to scout out the place. He hadn't brought a map with him, after all, so familiarity with the paths was of utmost importance. That was what he told himself, at least. His father always warned him, after all, that an adventurer was only one step away from a vagrant. Before Albrecht's thoughts could get too dark, however, an explosion pulled his attention towards a smoking hut. An attack? A fire? No, Scrapmouse, that's what that gnome's name was! The lucky, finger-losing crazy person! The young man took a deep breath, before marching right on over towards the hut. Covering his mouth and nose with one arm while swinging open the door with his other, Albrecht squinted through the plumes of acrid smoke, unable to make out any details inside just yet. [b]"Hey! Y'all ok there? What happened?"[/b]