The more Faolan shared of his.. situation, the more curious that Lucien became, but he still managed to hold his tongue in asking, and simply agreed. Perhaps later down the line he'd have a better chance to ask.. once it had already happened a few times. While the thought of being left alone who knows where was a little scary, his faith in Faolan and knowing he'd come back for him was reassuring. Even though this whole circumstance was weird, the man sounded completely genuine. He wasn't lying to him, and that was enough for him. At his next words, golden eyes shifted back to him, as they had went back to staring at the passing trees when he had thought the conversation was over. [color=burlywood]"I'll keep that in mind, thank you for the consideration."[/color] He said, giving him a small smile. Despite the statement though, he didn't really think he'd want to part from Faolan's side anytime soon. -- As they reached the next town, Faolan went about his usual routine of trying to find work. Lucien went along, since he had been determined to not be dead weight. When the man was able to find bartender jobs, he was given the task of helping in the back with washing dishes and cleaning, since they refused to believe he was twenty years old and therefore old enough to help out behind the bar. He simply didn't look it no matter what his identification said. Still, he was glad he was able to find something to help out with in terms of expenses. When they had earned enough, they continued on their way again. Lucien used whatever chances he could to ask Faolan to teach him how to fight little by little. Despite his lack of knowledge he had strength and speed that was far greater than anyone with his physique would have, thanks to his divine blood. He wondered if doing more physical taxing labor could help him become stronger like Faolan, and maybe allow him to now look as childish as he did? He had a lot to hope for. It was when they were travelling through a large forest that Lucien had a strong urge to bring up the topic he had been avoiding for a while now. If it wasn't for their current location he might have held out longer but.. this was a perfect place. They were pretty far from the next town.. no civilization in sight. No one to see him, no way he could expose himself. He fidgeted a little as he struggled to speak. It was hard to bring up, after all, but he really wanted to tell him. He knew he could trust Faolan to keep this a secret, just as he had when he learned of his ability of healing. [color=burlywood]"Hey.. Faolan.."[/color] He spoke up a little hesitantly, glancing at their surroundings again. [color=burlywood]"There's something I've been meaning to tell you.. I figure.. this is a good place to bring it up.."[/color] [color=burlywood]"It's about me.. and well.. what I can do.. and what I am."[/color]