As they reached the next town, Faolan immediately set about finding them a place to stay and a way to earn money. He took another bouncing job, not as rowdy as the first one, but having Lucien there to help earn the wage was good. He doubted he would have been able to support both of them on the meager income he was expecting. They found cheap lodging in a boarding house nearby, and although they had to sleep in a room with six beds, all of them full, it was comfortable enough for a night's rest. Faolan then took a construction job, which earned them some more cash during the day, and the two set out within the next two weeks. Faolan wanted to make sure they reached their next destination in time for his solo field trip. He had bought a map of the surrounding area and located a shortcut through a wooded area. Most would not venture through the bayou of Louisiana unaccompanied by a guide, he was told, but Faolan was an experienced hiker, tracker, and hunter, among other things. To pass the time as they traveled, Lucien had asked him to teach him how to fight and show him correct form for training, for which Faolan was happy to oblige him. Although his "affliction" made him strong on its own, Faolan still valued physical labor and strength training. It helped him relieve excess energy and keep his mind sharp as well, the adrenaline was a good grounding point for him. During the training, Faolan was actually surprised by how quick Lucien was to pick everything up. He seemed rather small and sleight for his age, but he was a fast learner and willing. Faolan enjoyed their training together, and accelerated the process more quickly than he had anticipated. He expressed his surprise when he felt Lucien's punch for the first time, and judged his reaction time. Although, of course Faolan was quicker and stronger, Lucien was already advanced for someone who had done absolutely no physical training before. Not to mention his high stamina; the lad never complained, even during the longest walks. The two seemed to be getting along well, and Faolan was more glad for his company than he anticipated. During their current trek towards their next stop, Faolan had decided to take a mid-afternoon break to eat and re-hydrate. He was sitting on a rock, drinking from a canteen, when Lucien had begun to speak. He looked over at him and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. He raised his eyebrows, completely caught off guard by the lad's words. A moment of silence hung between them before he responded, screwing the lid shut on the bottle and placing it back in his bag. [color=a36209]"Lad, you don't have to do this."[/color] He said, then looked back over at him, resting his hand on his knee as he leaned forward, shaking his head. [color=a36209]"It's none of my business."[/color] He hadn't asked Lucien about anything he had seen or noticed, nor had he really given it much thought since the lad had healed his wound. This was partially out of self-preservation; asking questions of someone tended to get them curious in return, and that he intended to avoid at all costs. The rest was out of respect for Lucien's privacy, simple as that. He didn't want the boy thinking he owed him an explanation.