[Center][h2] Mandalore the Risen [/h2][/center] I give Temari a tired smile. “Physically, I am at the peak efficiency. I’ve been doing extra training drills every morning to prepare for this fight.” My smile falters. “But mentally... I am drained. I’ve never commanded this many people before, and they all look to me as the ultimate authority. Every action I take will have consequences that effect everyone around me, and every mistake is likely to get a lot of good people killed.” I cross my arms and lean against the holo table. “I know some of the Clan Chiefs talk about me behind my back. They think I’m too inexperienced to lead. I only became Mand’alor because I beat Mandalore the Punisher in combat. I’m sure many of the older warriors are upset they now have to take orders from someone a third their age, and has friends outside the clans. So, it has become my responsibility to not only prove I am a capable leader, but that I can put my ‘other relationships’ aside for the betterment of my people.”