One moment of shock was all she needed. Shock pulled her wrists free before Carver could ensnare them again, and grabbed for a handful of vines in each hand to keep Carver from completely trapping her. She then brought up a foot to kick Carver's cage. Barrel finally woke up enough to acknowledge what was going in, and grinned. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" "Better - ngh - hope she...wins," Shock said as she tried to keep Carver from latching on again, "because you're - gah! - next!" "Me?" Barrel asked, confused. "What'd [i]I[/i] do?" "You only pinned her under your heavy corpse all night!" Lock answered with a grin. Barrel glowered at him. "I'm not [i]that[/i] heavy!" Lock poked his stomach. "Could've fooled me! [I]How[/i] many pumpkins did you put away yesterday?" Barrel threw a punch at him. Lock, in a rare moment of appreciating his shorter height, ducked down in an easy dodge, then slid a leg to trip him. Barrel fell back into the floor - and into several of the leftover game pieces Lock hadn't bothered to put away. He kicked his older brother, only for Lock to repay it with a tackle. The two of them tumbled over towards Shock and Carver.