Lock utilized the commotion to slip away. Barrel hardly comprehended what happened, and by the time he disentangled himself from Shock and Carver, hunger overrode his desire to fight. He left the girls to it as he headed for the slide. Shock found her arms pulled behind her back now that Carver had taken back the advantage. An attempt to kick the pumpkin creature away only allowed her friend to ensnare her ankle, with the other being caught in Carver's vines as she fell to the ground again. Shock curled her legs in and managed to deliver one final kick before Carver completely immobilized her. "Screw you!" she cried upon getting Carver's message. Nearby, Lock had dusted himself off and had settled himself to watch the results unfold. "Not sure she could," he said, then pondered it. "Although..." "Shut up!" That only got Lock to laugh. Shock tried to twist herself free, only to find herself more tightly ensnared. After several moments of struggle, she was finally forced to concede. "Urgh! Okay, [i]uncle[/i]!"