Shock got up and fixed her clothes. She retrieved her hat from where it fell on the floor, then kicked a few loose game pieces away from her. "We observe," she said, "and see who remembers what. I want to see how long those idiots actually think they missed Halloween." Lock scooped a few more games pieces and shoved them back into the box. "Sounds good," he said. Shock looked around for wherever her boots got tossed the night before. She recovered a few more game pieces and unceremoniously dumped them into the box before she continued her search. "And if things are starting to come back, well...[i]we[/i] certainly don't know what happened," Shock said. "Might want to stay away from the witches' shop, then," Lock said casually. Shock found one boot and pulled it on. "Right," she said. "I don't think they'll tie the brooms to this, but they might remember it was us, and work back from there."