[b]Lore[/b] [u]Earth: 2020-2050[/u] At first, everything was normal. War had ended 10 years ago and world peace had been achieved. Life for everyone was good. Little crime, fun times, and unity. Earth had achieved the best possible state it could, and other world colonization was soon to start, and with the Earth Science Federation, or E.S.F constantly finding new studies and research, humanity discovered various new technologies like the FTL drive. Humanity had entered the golden age of expansion. But... it all went away. After the E.S.F discovered dimensional travel, hell broke loose. The E.S.F discovered a new planet in a new dimension of which they named BK828. Studies were at an all-time high on the dimension. Colonies and research stations were built there and resource exploitation was higher than ever. But humanity did not know that they were disturbing an ancient ecosystem bellow their feet. Due to the activity, the humans had been creating, something awoke underground. Hoards of monsters, creatures, and beasts tore from the ground and rained destruction on the colonies and research stations on BK828. The survivors fled and told stories of horror, death, massacre, and destruction. Soon after, the creatures moved to invade earth, and did so successfully. Earth was dead in months. The ambition of man caused its own extermination, and would soon be eradicated if humanity did not chose to launch a space station called Gia to survive in orbit of earth. [u]Current date[/u] The year is now 2050. Life has been fine on Gia station so far. Crime has been higher and rationing has caused the residence to become angry, but all was well. The only problem was the fact that Gia was running out of food and power. With no resource imports and exports, the station would soon be run dry. The only chance of human survival was to go back to earth. The mission would be dangerous and those who leave may never return.