[center][h1][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color] [/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] Solanne's blatant frustration with this entire scenario, while also being so blaise as to be humorous, did hint at some familiarity between both parties. This also meant Emilia was playing coy just to get some twisted satisfaction from her foreplay, an effort Kanbaru could appreciate more if she weren't meant to be on the receiving end. Those kinds of shenanigans ended less with, [i]'and then we all collapsed in a pile of tangled limbs, exhausted but so very pleased with ourselves'[/i], and more, [i]'wailing for mercy as a stilleto heel grinds our clits into bloody pits of pain'[/i]. [color=cyan]"Ah yes, those would be ours."[/color] Kanbaru said as Emilia so helpfully told them she'd thought to purchase their sources of power and not let the slave trader pawn them off where they'd have no hope of finding them again. It would make recovering them a possibility, but if her hunch and that creepy look was anything to go by, the bluenette was less inclined to let Emilia dictate the terms if she had anything to say about it. Which she didn't, being behind bars as she was with a power that wouldn't destroy the cage if she bothered to out herself as possessing magic beyond the system of tomes. [i]That[/i] would end horribly if she didn't escape on the first try, and she'd seen enough hentai to know the mage had the most brutal and/or the most humiliating of bondage set ups to look forward to. She wanted her Serei Card. She [i]needed[/i] that Serei card, the unparalleled edge of the Cheater's Blade thrumming with intoxicating power as it slices through metal and stone without resistence. It was a feeble and petty desire that had her pulling against the chains to reach out for her purloined card- There was no light. There was no sound. She felt no air in her lungs and no tactile brush against her skin. An instance of oblivion, of sheer and utter nothingness beyond comprehension that drove an ice pick into her skull and- [color=cyan]"Huh?"[/color] Kanbaru was outside the cell, her hand against Emilia's treasures and her body...outside the cell. There was a sense of falling, but she drew a blank as to how she got from one spot to the other, no matter how short the distance. As confused as she was she knew it was an opportunity she couldn't waste, and the Henry card flashed before her. Hair fading to the white of spider's silk, her adventuring attire sprang into being and she grasped keyblade and Cheater's Blade before her. A gate opened before the doorway and a very selective hammer shot out, folding the slave trader over the head and smashing him into the wall with a crack of shattered red stone. [color=cyan]"Well, you highness, I think the only one being bought is you today. And the price is a steal."[/color] Kanbaru said, holding the only sword with an edge to Emilia's neck while the other began to pour water to the floor, spreading across the room and up the bars of the cage against all efforts of gravity. [color=cyan]"If you make it easy I'm sure you'll still get what you're looking for, though right now, I could enjoy a tussle after being cramped for the carriage ride."[/color]