Faolan opened his mouth to protest Lucien's offer once more, but the lad kept talking so he shut it again. He listened silently to all he had to say, not interjecting or making any changes in his posture or expression. Once it was all out, Faolan couldn't really blame him for wanting to share his secret. Faolan had been curious, especially after the healing incident, and as long as the lad didn't demand any information in return, he didn't see the harm in letting him speak. He kept his mouth shut, watching Lucien's face as he struggled to find the words. He was clearly nervous, but if this was something he was determined to do, Faolan knew the cost of trying to talk him out of it. The Irishman's jaw nearly dropped when wings sprouted out of Lucien's back. It was as if they had always been there and he had just never seen them. All of a sudden, everything made sense. The healing, the smell and feeling of purity that surrounded him, and his conversation with the priest. This was the Divinity Father Cyril had mentioned. His eyes moved over the wings, tracing the feathers as he processed what he was seeing. Lucien could definitely use these to fly, if he needed to, they were the right size for him. Before this moment, Faolan had never entertained the idea that angels and demons existed, but this had to be proof. Religion had always been a point of contention for him, especially growing up in an Irish Catholic household, and when he was younger he had thought it easiest to discount everything he had been taught, including the winged men that did God's bidding. Now he felt a little foolish. Of course, he had been well-versed in Irish and European mythology, and had done a bit of research on curses, even vampires, but this was an entirely different matter. If Angels were real, than what else was? Once everything had settled and Faolan had a chance to let this knowledge wash over him, he couldn't help but smile as he looked at Lucien. It was clear that freedom meant much more to him than just leaving a life at the church. [color=a36209]"Well,"[/color] he said, finally breaking the silence, [color=a36209]"I can't say I'm surprised, what with the healing and the way these priest's seem to have kept you."[/color] There was another pause, and Faolan looked around. [color=a36209]"Now I see why you wanted to do it here."[/color] When Lucien didn't respond, he laughed and gestured toward the clearing, [color=a36209]"Well,"[/color] he said, [color=a36209]"Go ahead."[/color]