[center][img]https://www.pngkey.com/png/full/391-3919368_file-unsc-symbol-logo-halo-wars-the-great.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]UNSC [i]Unbroken Hope[/i][/h2][/center] [h3]1530 Hours, April 11th 2550 (Military Calendar) / Unknown system, Unknown sector, Aboard the [i]Resurgence.[/i][/h3] Interacting with: Everyone aboard the [i]Resurgence.[/i],[@EliteCommander] The pitch and tonal inflection of this Sangheili was different, and as he supposed, this was a female. What caught him off guard was the mention of the Covenant's defeat, moreso than her question of when he was pulled from 'his' universe. Raising an eyebrow, even the members of Team Omicron took a brief moment to glance to one another in utter silence; certainly communicating among themselves as they prepared to digest the incoming information. "...Twenty-Five-Fifty. You're telling me that... the war was won? What, was there some sort of internal strife or something? Because as far as I recall, our forces were making strides just fine." Marcus's face suddenly felt hot- there was no way that the Covenant could simply fracture, was there? He wouldn't admit it, but he was in denial faced with the reception of such news. Clearing his throat and swallowing, he tugged at his collar briefly and nodded with a wave of his hand. "I'll.. deal with this information later. I'm assuming your jump drive malfunctioned as well. Yet, why would it pinpoint to the same anomaly that brought us all here? Surely there must be an explanation. Do these... people know anything about it?" He gestured to the Clones; feeling as if he was now talking to a wall and grasping for straws for answers that wouldn't be found. On top of talking civilly with an Elite, Marcus felt damn powerless at the absurdity of the situation finally registering before him. Marcus eyed a nearby chair across the room, moving to sit down as the five Spartans quickly moved to stay close by his side. They stood upright instead, still fixated on the Elite in the room and largely ignoring everyone else. The chair felt as is someone largely misinterpreted [i]Goldilocks[/i], being too goddamn big for him to seat himself comfortably. Regardless, he folded his hands into his lap and listened for the replies of the individuals around the room. As cautious as he was, he was curious to find out why they were all here, and what could be done about the situation in order to finally get home- if that even was an option to begin with.