The type of impact he had expected didn't come. Lucien had instinctively closed his eyes during his fall, but when he opened them, he saw he hadn't landed on the ground, but instead that Faolan had caught him. Honestly he had been so concentrated on flying that he hadn't actually been paying attention to the fact the man had positioned himself under him. He was a little surprised, to be honest, but as Faolan smiled and made a joke, Lucien broke out into a lighthearted laugh, tucking in the wings a little so they wouldn't be in Faolan's way. Despite his fall, he had enjoyed his flight. [color=burlywood]"I did didn't I?'[/color] He said in between his laughs. [color=burlywood]"This is going to take a bit of practice, but thank you for catching me. You can set me down, I promise I won't fly off that high again until I'm better accustomed. I guess I have to start from scratch."[/color] He said. It'd be like learning to fly all over again, but either way, he thought it'd be fun, and his expression reflected it. Once Faolan had set him down, he stretched a little, shifting his wings around as he tried to grow more familiar with their movements. It was strange how something that had been a part of his body all these years could feel so foreign to him. [color=burlywood]"Oh!"[/color] He exclaimed, realizing there was still a bit that he had to tell him. Considering he knew what he was now, he figured it'd be good to tell him what he could do too, then maybe he wouldn't be so worried about him. He was pretty sure the fall to the ground would not have hurt him. [color=burlywood]"Now that you know about all this, I can finally tell you. I can't really um.. get hurt I guess? At all. My body is.. very sturdy, even if it doesn't look it. I've never sustained any form of injury, or caught any illnesses either."[/color] He explained. Now that he thought about it, in the time he was here he hadn't received any type of bug bite either, as opposed to Faolan who had collected quite a few. He supposed this was handy in more than one way.