Giovanni arrived at the squad 4 barracks, after several detours. He was honestly trying to find something else to do other than come here but nothing worked out. He tried to talk to some of his old class mates but they were busy when he happened upon them. He then took a major detour to the senkaimon area and watched the kido corps members open the gate again. He wanted to know how to manipulate his reiatsu to open the gate. and stabilize it. And all that other stuff that went with it. But now he was at the squad four barracks. He remembered the captain saying something about Kido classes but he wasnt exactly sure. So he asked to see the captain if he was in. He was told that the captain had only recently gone off somewhere. So Gio left. when the alarms started blaring he wasnt actually sure of what he was supposed to do. while everyone was reporting to their stations he didnt exaclty have one to report to. So instead he headed from the gate that the alarm was sounding from. on his way he sensed the captain of the 4th squad as if he was near by along with a frigged spiritual energy that Gio assumed was a friend of the captains. But other matters were much more pressing so he continued on undeterred.