[color=a36209]"Probably best, yeah."[/color] Faolan said, and chuckled again lightly. There was a moment's pause and then he remembered to put Lucien down. His cheeks felt a bit hot as he realized he had just been standing there holding him, how foolish he must have looked... But the conversation took his mind off of his embarrassment for the time being. Faolan couldn't help but furrow his brow and tilt his head at Lucien's next statement. If the wings hadn't been enough, now he was telling him that he was unable to feel pain? Faolan believed him of course, and was even a little envious. It was too bad his particular affliction hadn't come with that perk, or he would have avoided most of the pain in his life. If his scars had anything to say, his experience had been very much the opposite. [color=a36209]"So, yer tellin' me I shoulda' just dropped ya'?"[/color] He asked, eyebrow cocked. It was then that he realized how quickly he had grown comfortable around Lucien, enough to joke with him at least. He'd thought, after all these years of being alone that it would be a little harder to crack his shell. He couldn't tell if he was softening or if it was just Lucien's natural charisma that made him comfortable so quickly. Either way, it was better than worrying about what he had to say all of the time.