Lucien couldn't help but chuckle amusingly at Faolan's question. He hadn't really expected it, but he had realized since they had left on their journey that Faolan seemed a little less tense than before, and that made him happy. [color=burlywood]"I probably would have been fine. I mean when one of those Englishmen hit me over the head with a pole I just became a little disoriented, but I recovered pretty quickly."[/color] He said thoughtfully. [color=burlywood]"Though, I feel like even if you had known that, you might have still not let me hit the ground. It just seems like the kind of person you are."[/color] He said lightly. [color=burlywood]"As far as I know, fire doesn't burn me.. knives can't cut me, and apparently, bugs can't bite me. Oh and, I can hit someone else with my face and be perfectly alright."[/color] He joked, remembering that other Englishman. There had been a couple candle incidents when he was a child, and Father Thomas had been given quite a shock at seeing that Lucien had gotten out of it without any burns whatsoever. There were also a couple kitchen incidents with a slip of the knife when he was making food.. things like that. [color=burlywood]"I can still [i]feel[/i] things. I can feel the heat, and I feel the force of impact of the things that would have hurt me. It just.. doesn't seem like anything can tear through my skin."[/color] He said, before he began trying to hover above ground again, just to keep getting the feel for it. [color=burlywood]"I figured if I told you maybe you'd worry a little less. While I know I could get out of fights unscathed.. I don't really feel like being a punching bag in spite of that, so I wanted to learn to fight so I could be a little more efficient."[/color] He said. It was hard knowing that he had all this physical ability his whole life but have never been able to put it to good use. He felt like if he kept training with Faolan, he could really become stronger.