[img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC4xYjgzN2MuVDJ4cGRtbGhJR1JsSUd4aElGUnZjbkpsY3csLC4wAAAA/julietta-signature.regular.png[/img] [color=gray][sub]Time - Morning Interactions - [@Mystress Nyx][/sub][/color] [hr] Olivia almost laughed at Gwen's little joke. No one was blessed in this place. Far from blessed. At least they weren't in the streets or dead. Though, the latter sometimes seemed like the only way she would find some quiet. Olivia shook that morbid thought away as they got a plate each. It was the usual oatmeal with fruits, eggs, and some cardboard looking pancakes. Olivia liked the oatmeal the best, especially when she poured a ton of sugar over it. [i]Olivi-[/i] [color=008B8B]"I was going to go see the movie."[/color] Olivia took a seat and waited for Gwen to sit down before she poured about five or six packages of sugar into her oatmeal and mixed it with her plastic spoon. [color=008B8B]"But I think I'll catch up on my sleep. I do have group therapy later."[/color] She was not looking forward to it. Her little episode earlier had been probably reported. They'd probably have to talk about that with the group. While Olivia knew she wasn't the only one who saw hallucinations or things like that... it still felt weird talking about it. To see and hear things that weren't real was scary. It made her feel stupid and cursed. [i]We are real-[/i] [color=008B8B]"But I don't think I'll be able to sleep. And you?"[/color] The voices were coming back again, and Olivia kept trying to keep her thoughts busy with her conversation with Gwen. Concentrate on the real, Olivia. She kept telling herself as she spotted a woman in a red dress. The same woman she always saw: black hair, black eyes with no whites to them, and a gentle smile. The woman never got close to her; she just stood there. The voices told her she wasn't real, but the voices weren't real either. It was like her own mind was fighting against itself, trying to figure out what was real or not. None of it was real. Olivia turned her head away from the woman and looked at Gwen's hands, trying to ignore the ache in her chest. [color=008B8B]"I wouldn't mind going... to you know, a movie or the class. Anything to keep me off my mind."[/color] Olivia said quickly, ignoring the red of the corner of her eyes.