[color=silver][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QpvNoey.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yxE7pYm.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][hr][center][color=goldenrod]• [b][i] Ifrise Forest[/i][/b], [b][i]Sovereignty of Dryadalis[/i][/b] •[/color] [sub][/sub][/center][hr][/indent][/indent][indent][indent] [color=daa520]“Oh, I’m just dandy!”[/color] Zestasia cheerfully replied in earnest to Carla, giving the older-looking woman a bright smile. Zestasia Calore was a fighter. He could last days without taking so much of a moment’s rest. He was one of those people who had the added benefit of youthful energy and not taking much time to slow down by anyone or anything. He never let a little fatigue stop him. Plus, he had enough stored up light to rejuvenate his stamina if he needed to for one or two more bursts. So as far as being affected by the battle, sure he was a little worn out but nothing a good meal couldn’t fix. And because he started thinking about food, the reality of the situation set in. No matter how much sunlight he took in and it healed his minor injuries, when Zestasia was hungry and was reminded that he hadn’t had a decent meal in god-knows how long, he was as weak as -- well, the rest of the group was right now. So, if it really was up for debate, that’s what he voted on. His mind and stomach both agree that a nice meal and maybe a hot bath is what the group needs. Zestasia [i]was[/i] going to suggest that, but then Etoli-Etolie--Eto had to start talking about a lot of things he wasn’t exactly aware of. A lot of the words were too complicated for him to keep track of. When she glanced his way, however, there was a feeling crawling through the depths of his empty stomach that it wasn’t a complimentary glance she gave him. On the mention of suggestions, Zestasia’s stomach growled again. He frowned when he had a feeling that getting something to eat wasn’t on the table just yet. [color=daa520]“So does this mean we can’t get something to eat first?”[/color] He knew the answer to that question and it only made him frown more and sink into a standing sulking position.[/indent][/indent] [/color]