LIllith waved to Lock but didn't leave her shady spot to go over to him. Her smile told him she remembered nothing, though, and he was welcome to come to her. "What do you mean, stuck all over the shop?" Carmilla asked. Agatha crossed her arms with a huff. "When we closed up yesterday, we found our brooms glued down around the shop. Aunt Agnes's broom was [i]on the ceiling[/i]!" She pouted again. "Still is. We can't find any of our glue dissolver." Something twinged at the back of her mind, but she brushed it away. She was too annoyed to try to chase a blurry thought. Then she scowled. "I bet [i]you three[/i] did it after Mr. Werewolf howled and everyone was busy freaking out!" Carver puffed out her chest vines. "Hey! We were in the crowd getting upset just like everyone else! And [i]then[/i] we went back to the tree house! Ask anyone who resides in the graveyard, they walked part of the way with us!"