[sub][h3][center]Kayla[/center][/h3][/sub][hr] "What makes you think I know how to skate?" "Long-ish hair, tan and you speak in a callow way," Autum stated bluntly, extending a finger with each point she made. Kayla blinked at her bluntness, deciding that it wasn't a necessarily bad quality to have. "Callow? Is that one of those weird positions?" "Callow. Immature, elementary, not fully developed," Autumn defined. "So, basically, you were calling me stupid in a nice way?" Kayla questioned, turning to her acquaintance with a raised eyebrow. She watched with amusement as Autumn returned the gaze with no more than a raised eyebrow, raising her book up and turning the page. Autumn shrugged. "More or less." Kayla laughed, deciding that she liked her already. "Well, I gotta appreciate that honesty." "Wow, '[i]appreciate[/i]'. Don't strain yourself now," Autumn remarked sarcastically. All Kayla could do was laugh, again. "You might just be the most amusing person I've ever met, Autumn," Kayla told her unabashed. "Glad to see someone thinks so," Autumn mumbled, looking away and quite obviously trying to avoid the conversation's continuance. Kayla nudged her with her own shoulder. "Wow. Next time we hang out, we'll have to work on your confidence." "I have confidence," Autumn disagreed, suddenly defensive. Kayla sent her a sidelong glance. "You don't even know me! You have no right to judge me like that." Kayla shook her head. "Yeah, maybe I don't. But sometimes, a stranger's point-of-view can be one of the best things to go by," she said, then quite abruptly began to split off from their current path. They had parked, and of course Kayla couldn't help herself and had continued to follow Autumn towards the schoolyard. But now she seemed to be heading around the school. Autumn altered her path to keep up with the annoying young woman. "Where are you going?" Autumn inquired. "Used to my company already?" Kayla asked her with a smile, turning around as she walked backwards- never missing a beat in her step. Autumn looked back to the school's parking entrance, scowling. "It was a joke," Kayla said to her her, pushing her hair away from her face. "But, yeah, I some business at the front office. See you soon?" "If it happens, it happens," Autumn said vaguely. Kayla considered her words. "If it happens, it happens," she repeated. "Well, if I never see you again, you were a lovely person, Autumn." Autumn sighed, electing not to respond to the loonie's words and turned slightly to split off herself. She made it maybe six steps before Kayla's voice nailed her feet to the floor. How did this girl have so much sway already? "Wait," Kayla ordered, running up to her and smiling to soften the command. "I have to read you something." "If it's another fortune—" "You're catching on!" She grinned at her and pulled the stack of papers out of her pocket, humming to herself in a carefree manner and slipping a fortune out from underneath the rubber band. Autumn leaned forward to read it before her, and accidentally hit her forehead against Kayla's chest. She immediately took two steps back, and Kayla laughed at her, causing her deathly leer to come back. "[i]'Patience is your alley at the moment. Don’t worry!'[/i]" She dropped the fortune on the ground, just at their feet. Autumn cocked her head to the side. "Why do you keep finding me and giving me fortunes?" Kayla shook her head. "Your lucky numbers are 5, 17 and 56. Do you really think I'd tell you that easily? No way, Jose. You're going to figure it out for yourself." Her eyes flickered to the left, and Autumn could almost [i]see[/i] the lightbulb go off in Kayla's head as the woman scampered off. What a strange girl. [hr] With the dawn of a new school year came the dawn of new beginnings. Fresh blood flowed through Mather Memorial High as the seniors left for college, or jobs, or for their burning bright futures in deep alcoholism while the new baby faced freshman came in- talking about fortnite, alcohol, not having to line up when they go to lunch anymore, and other weird freshman shit. It was adorable. Kayla had genuinely enjoyed Autumn's company this morning. Truth be told she was about to skip had she not run into the poor girl. Autumn looked so wound up that Kayla could put a piece of coal in her ass and pull out a diamond- assuming she could get the coal up there to begin with. She absentmindedly rubbed the silver band of her mother's wedding ring on her left hand with her thumb. She wore it on her middle finger because she obviously wasn't married, and thus it kept people from getting the wrong idea about her when she decided to flirt. No, truth was Kayla needed to distance herself from Autumn because she had a plan. The new school year meant that she had new opportunities to play some practical jokes- and she wasn't quite sure if Autumn was cool enough to not rat her out yet. Despite her earlier lapse in vernacular she [i]was[/i] fairly clever. At least, clever enough to not incriminate herself so easily. Kayla was already a few minutes late, and most people were in the halls catching up. All according to plan, Kayla mused. When she entered the front office building, the attendant was already in the process of giving her welcome back speech. [i]“Welcome back, Mather Memorial Ravens! I hope you all aren’t having any trouble finding your room assignments! If you are, look for the Student Council members in the black and blue. They’ll be happy to assist in any way they can!”[/i] Her eyes flashed to Kayla, and she raised a finger as if to signal 'one moment', then diverted her eyes back down to the piece of paper that she was reading her speech from. While she was distracted, Kayla stuffed her hand into her back pocket and produced a SD card. Acting quickly while she could, Kayla reached across the wall and swapped the SD card with her own. There were several sound files of the standard high school bell- but the last one? The last one was something special. Kayla didn't particularly care if they reviewed the tapes and she got caught for this. In fact, a small part of her [i]wanted[/i] the school to know it was her. It wasn't like this one was destructive or defaced property, no. She would get a slap on the wrist if she got [i]any[/i] punishment at all for this. What was the school going to do? Yell at the receptionist for being so inattentive? Send a letter home to the parents of the poor orphan girl? By the time that the lady placed the phone down, Kayla's job was long since complete. Kayla flashed her a bright smile. "Hi Mrs. Munich! I'm just here to report a change of address. Uncle's house got renumbered..." The rest of the day went by uneventfully. She eventually made her way to the auditorium, and say through some shitty acting job that was [i]way late to the party[/i] when it came to her, went to class, and now found herself seated in what the school called the 'Social Conscience program'. Now, Kayla was no stranger to honors, AP, and dual enrollment classes. Autumn's terrified expression when she rolled into her AP Calc class was not something she'd soon forget. No, Kayla took this class particular because it offered the same GPA bonus [i]and[/i] had no published syllabus [i]and[/i] was the first class of it's kind [i]and[/i] was being held by a new teacher. If that wasn't the unholy trifecta of easy then Kayla didn't know what was. New teachers and new classes were easy on their own. Two at once? Cake. The class was, in short, about self discovery. It was kinda flamboyant in description but Kayla was not one to complain. The teacher [i]seemed[/i] chill enough, asking to be referred to as Jonas as opposed to his last name. This was a first for her, but a nice change of pace regardless. She also got a [i]passcard[/i] that gave her an [i]all access pass[/i] to this room. Kayla smiled evilly at this, the gears in her head already turning with this new information. She absentmindedly fiddled with her father's ring when [i]Jonas[/i] opened the floor to them all. Kayla, being herself, was the first to stand. She didn't bother raising her hand. She swaggered to the front of the class, and surveyed all of her peers. She recognized a few- namely Aiden, whom she winked at. He probably had some inkling of what was to come. "Hello everyone!" She proclaimed. "My name is Kayla Foster. I am a twin, yes I'm the evil one. This is the second introduction I've made today. My dog is broken. I have a lot more in common with Batman than the average person." She tilter her head toward's Jonas' direction and gave him a smile. "One question for the teacher, though? Which of the brothers are you?" She took a seat, figuring that she could get his answer sitting down and open the floor for the next person. This class was flying, and the final bell was just around the corner. This was gonna be sweet.