HERE HE BE-- [@Muttonhawk][@Cyclone][@BBeast] [hider=Daedalus] [b]Name:[/b] Daedalus [b]Parentage:[/b] In the attempt to shape an avatar to act as an extension of his mighty will, Ohannakeloi; the stone tyrant, sculpted many unsuitable candidates from all manner of stone.  Discarded, and left to return to the earth, the residual divine power within these statues coalesced into a single form, thus Daedalus was born. [b]Portfolio:[/b] (Craftsmanship) From the first moment of his existence, Daedalus has had an innate connection to the workings of wood, metal, stone, and clay.  Within his pale hands, even the most entropic of raw materials can be shaped into masterworks fit for the gods themselves with efficiency rivaling that of the greatest machines.  Regardless of what he creates, be it a simple plank, or a fearsome sword-- all are absurdly resilient, their durability alone allowing them to to stand the test of time for a century before showing even the slightest bit of weathering or degradation.  Mechanically, the innate divine enhancement functions as a multiplier, meaning that the better the raw material Daedalus has available, the greater the final product will be (in terms of both quality, and durability).  Consequently, Daedalus is only limited to use of (any) material available within the area around him, as well as whatever he has on hand at the time, as he cannot consciously conjure the required material for the any given job.   As gifted a  craftsman as Daedalus may be, his divine ability to reinforce all he creates becomes  far less effective on  designs as they become larger and/or more complex., [b]Persona:[/b] Though born from the from the stone tyrant's own divine power, Daedalus' personality; at it's barest level, is that of a curious child content to build whatever its whimsical heart desires.  The statue demigod has a strange love the mortal races, and often can be found trying to 'play' with or 'help' such beings.  Ultimately however, Daedalus is just as much a blank slate; an unpainted canvas, as he was before being sculpted by Ohannakeloi, free to be shaped by the unceasing entropy of the surrounding world of Galbar [b]Appearance/Form:[/b] Daedalus' form is that of a slightly hunched, thin, humanoid of marble complexion.  When standing, Daedalus sits at about six feet in height, and weighs around twelve hundred pounds. Like the rest of his  spindly body, his arms are long and thin, stretching into five unnaturally lengthy digits; all of which possess an inhuman level of dexterity and precision. Though his smooth, rounded head is almost like that of an alien, Daedalus' features come off as more 'incomplete' and curious rather than menacing.  Sporting visible mouth, or ears or nose-- large, finely cut sapphires; deep and beautiful like the ocean, dominate his face. [b]Musical Theme:[/b] (still looking for a shoe that fits) [/hider]