Hello! I've been watching the old Star Wars films (yes, even the prequels) and missed the old feelings that it used to bring! Last night while trying to fall asleep I had an idea for a romance-style RP! I'm looking for a female role for anyone interested! Here's the loose plot! [i]It is 10 BBY. The Galactic Empire is at its prime, the Jedi are no more, and the galaxy is left in a limbo. On Coruscant, a man with a mysterious past has been living as a smuggler on the planet's lower levels. He has gained a reputation due to his charm and combat skills, and has been hired by a very secretive group to smuggle something off Coruscant. This gig would let him retire early. He accepts, but soon finds himself as one of the most wanted people in the galaxy when he finds out the precious cargo is none other than a Jedi outcast; or at least a powerful force user. With a choice to make, the two set off into the galaxy to try and figure out just what exactly their part is in the age of the Empire.[/i] So as it states, I'm looking for a female role to play a jedi, or at least a jedi user that has connections to the past jedi order! I was thinking of the two's relationship to be a bit rocky at first, but as the two get to know one another, they can't help but have some sort of feelings, and maybe something more! I definitely want to brainstorm and create a world and plot together, so if you're interested in that, please let me know :D I'm a huge fan of quality over quantity, and I am a very laid back person to RP with. I definitely want this to be fun, seeing as how writing is a hobby, not a chore :) I have a sample of my writing on my user page, and a few other things if you wanna know a little more about me! If anyone has any questions, or if I have peaked someone's interest, just post something below or send me a PM!