The girl was getting ready to attack when she noticed the others coming up. [color=9e0039]"Oh great... More of them..."[/color] The man said as the girl let out a sigh. [color=9e005d]"Dez... Handle these pests... We have a schedule to keep to..."[/color] The girl said as she practically slipped past Wodahs and Grora. "No... Stop... Blagh!" Wodahs tried to stand and go after her, but he fell back to his knees, coughing up blood in the process. Dez spread his wings out and flapped into the air. [color=9e0039]"All obstacles will be removed... If you get in our way... You will die..."[/color] He said as a glowing red miasma started forming around him. [color=00aeef]"Yikes... That's some scary Mana... But it's like... 1, 2, 3... 5 v 1! We got this!"[/color] Vanilla said enthusiastically. Zeal shook his head and glared up at Dez, spreading his wings. [color=00aeef]"Uh... Let's try not to die... I got your backs!"[/color] Vanilla told the others. Dez huffed. [color=9e0039]"You made your choice, pathetic witch... Die..."[/color] He released the miasma and it spread out like a wave. Vanilla brought up a blue colored barrier around the group while Zeal headed into the air. [color=00aeef]"I don't know what that is... But don't breathe it in!"[/color] Vanilla warned.