[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nYiWAS3.png[/img] [url=https://discord.gg/K8e8Ddx]Discord is up.[/url][/center] - To Who it may Concern... I am Eugene Coletrain, member of the Clocktower, and you are one of seven that is receiving this exact same letter. Your history, lifestyle, and various personality flaws have made you stand out amongst over one-hundred plus various figures we have looked at to solve a particular problem. Yes, you are a problem solver. Whether you cause the problem in the first place doesn't matter. You have the exact talents and history that we need. As such, you are invited by the Clocktower and it's higher ups to participate on our behalf, in a Grail War. You and six others will work side by side, go to the town of Ronda, Spain, and return home with the prize. You shall have your wishes, your desires, and we shall have a jolly laugh when its all over. The only problem, is that seven others are already participating in said grail war. But that shouldn't trouble you. - Sincerely, your new best friend. Welcome to [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronda]Ronda[/url]. A city built alongside towering cliffs that dip into oblivion, and bridges that snake along the sides and connect islands in the sky. Call it your new home away from home, or your tomb if you get careless. You have just been invited to help the Clocktower break into a Grail War in Progress as the newly minted 'Team Gold.' Your goal is to team up with your new teammates, take down a divided group of fighters already in progress, and enjoy the prizes that come with it. And then maybe kill each other at the end... [center][img]http://www.andalucia.com/image/photos/MVC110020096ronda.jpg[/img][/center] [u]SPOTS WILL BE SELECTED ON THE QUALITY OF THE CAST, RATHER THAN FIRST COME FIRST SERVE![/u] _______________________________________ [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] [b]1 -[/b] Don’t Godmod [b]2 -[/b] Be a decent person. If you have a problem with another player, you are invited to tell a GM. We’ll do what we can. [b]3 -[/b] There will be only [b]Seven[/b] Master slots. And [b]Seven[/b] Servant slots. [b]4 -[/b] There is one Super-Servant on the side of the player characters. (Don't ask for this one. We were contacted earlier about it, and we already picked who is getting that spot. They know who they are.) Every other Servant is a Middle-Upper Tier level. (Think Diarmuid to Cu Chulainn) ______________________________________ [hider=Character Sheets] [hider=Servant Sheet] Name: Title(s): Class: I have listed all options for your convenience; The Knight Classes(Saber, Archer, Lancer) and the Cavalry Classes- (Rider, Assassin, Caster, Berserker) Gender: Obvious Attribute: This will be given to you upon approval. Era: The time they were alive during. This may be the Age of Gods(Before Christs birth) or the Age of Man(After Christs birth) You may put precise birth and death dates as well. Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Mad, Runaway Mad Enchancement Personality: Feel free to fill in as you please. Make sure to include why they answered the summons of the Holy Grail- what wish do they desire? Character Objectives: What your Servant wishes to accomplish within the Holy Grail War. You should list one or two primary objectives, then several secondary objectives they may accomplish. Examples include vanquishing evil(primary), or enjoying the modern world(secondary). These objectives should not include your characters wish, or achieving victory within the Grail War in itself. Finally add a few meta objectives you have for this Servant. Where do you want to see them go? What do you wish to see them accomplish? Send this part over Private Messages to the GM(s). Completing your objectives will have positive consequences. Appearance: This is what your character looks like; describe armor in Noble Phantasm's if it's special. Unless stated otherwise pictures will be what your character looks like, exactly. If you have a picture delete this section and throw it at the top of the sheet. Bio: Heroic Spirit's biography. If you're too lazy to write one use Wikipedia or another website for this, but this is your Servant's legend. Any changes to their characterization should be covered in this(King Arthur as a girl). For Servants, this is a relatively unimportant section. Weapon: Some Servants may use non Noble Phantasm weapons in combat. Usually this should only be one or two things as appropriate. Parameters: Strength: Damage. A rank STR means one attack can destroy a small house. Endurance: Damage one can take. How much HP one has. Agility: Dexterity or reaction time. Mana: How much Prana one can handle. Luck: Ability to defy fate. Class Skills: For all skills. Please do not just put name and rank. Give an explanation of what it does. Your class skills are listed by class elsewhere. Use anecdotes, feats, and themes to gauge where this should be. Please remember that class skills are specific to class. Fate/Grand Orders system for class skills will not be used here. Reference the opening post for listed class skills if you do not know them. Personal Skills: Certain abilities a Heroic Spirit may have, such as Charisma, Artistic Talent, etc. Keep close to the legend. Three maximum. Exceptional circumstances may bend this rule, however Personal Skills exist to create a themed servant so keep that in mind. Noble Phantasm: Limit two. Exceptional circumstances may bend this rule, however Noble Phantasms exist to create a themed servant so keep that in mind. Name: Title: Kanji name. Usually an explanation like "Sword of Promised Victory." Rank: E-EX. Plus modifiers are possible NP Type: Range: 1 is minimum, 99 is maximum. Format is usually something like 2-50, that's Via Expugnatio and Bellerophon's range. That means Via Expugnatio cannot attack you if your range is 1 from it. Maximum Number of Targets: 1 to 1000. The format is usually a single number. This may get weird depending on your classification. Description: What does it do? A paragraph for fluff and a paragraph for what it "does" is usually best. However I will trust you in the formatting. Try to be somewhat original here- Iskander is a really cool guy, so don't make Iskander 2, no one can do that. [/hider] [hider=Master Sheet] Name: Title(s): Appearance: (This is what your character looks like; a picture up top is also acceptable.) Gender: (Duh.) Age: (How old is your character? The maximum age for a non-distorted magus is probably around 200 years. Characters above 250 will not be accepted.) Alignment: (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil) Rank: (Your capability as a Magus in the eyes of the Mages Association. This will be given to you on approval.) Objective for the Grail: (What is your wish?) Character Objectives: What your Masters wishes to accomplish within the Holy Grail War. You should list one or two primary objectives, then several secondary objectives they may accomplish. Examples include recovering magic crests(primary), or enjoying the company of a legendary hero(secondary). These objectives should not include your characters wish itself, or achieving victory in the war. Finally add a few meta objectives you have for this Master. Where do you want to see them go? What do you wish to see them accomplish? Send this part over Private Messages to the GM(s). Completing your objectives will have positive consequences. Command Seal: (What will it look like when you summon your servant? Optional. Pictures are acceptable, just spoiler them.) Personality: (A paragraph or so suffices. We want to leave room for development!) Bio: (A few sentances, just a basic ideal. Include information on the family you're descended from. The more information on the family, the more its detailed, the more its coherent, the more justifiable having, say, an above average Magus is) --- Magic Circuit Switch: (What activates your magic circuit. For example, Tohsaka Rin activates hers through the sound of stabbing herself in her heart. Emotions and feelings such as pain or sexual arousal also work. Optional, as it's fluff for your character.) Number of Magic Circuits: Number of circuits. Ranked A-E. Quality of Magic Circuits: Amount of magical energy one circuit can safely hold. Ranked A-E. Modifiers may be requested, but don't include them on your initial sheet. --- Elemental Affinity: (Average one's are acceptable, as well as dual elements. Valid elements are Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ether. Valid elements may shift with the culture of your magical foundation(ie Chinese Elements). Special elements beyond these are acceptable, but are under scrutiny. Additionally, you can list your Origin here if you want to bother with it.) Magecraft: (Include all schools of magecraft you know, including General Magecraft(Things students at Clocktower would know). We assume they do not know the basics unless the basics are included as an example. If its not mentioned here it's assumed that particular type of magecraft is not something within their capabilities. Do not apply individual spells, but you can use them as examples.) Crest: (Rough age of the crest, thus family. The magecraft within the crest is assumed to be in your magecraft section. List by generation; 40 years is assumed to be a generation in this case.) Weapon: (Mystic codes, other weapons, etc. Any magus should have a few mystic codes, average for this sort of situation will be considered around 3. This may shift depending on your Magus, though.) [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Class and class skills] Currently only the seven standard classes will be allowed at this time. [hider=Knight Classes] Knight of the sword, [b]Saber[/b]. [i]Magic Resistance[/i] Ability of resistance to magery. Generally speaking, it cancels magic of a certain rank and below. At rank B and over, the Servant won't be hurt even by high magery, ritual mantras, and other elaborate magery. [i]Riding[/i] Ability to ride things. A Servant with this at rank A can ride even mythical beasts and divine beasts. However, in order to ride dragon types, a different ability than Riding is necessary. Knight of the lance, [b]Lancer[/b]. [i]Magic Resistance[/i] Ability of resistance to magery. Generally speaking, it cancels magic of a certain rank and below. At rank B and over, the Servant won't be hurt even by high magery, ritual mantras, and other elaborate magery. Knight of the bow, [b]Archer.[/b] [i]Independent Action[/i] Enables action even if the Master dies or if the contract with the Master is terminated. It is possible to stay in the world for one day at rank C, and 2 days at rank B. At rank A, the Servant can continue existing even without the Master. [i]Magic Resistance[/i] Ability of resistance to magery. Generally speaking, it cancels magic of a certain rank and below. At rank B and over, the Servant won't be hurt even by high magery, ritual mantras, and other elaborate magery. [/hider] [hider=Cavalry Classes] Mounted soldier, [b]Rider[/b]. [i]Riding[/i] Ability to ride things. A Servant with this at rank A can ride even mythical beasts and divine beasts. However, in order to ride dragon types, a different ability than Riding is necessary. [i]Magic Resistance[/i] Ability of resistance to magery. Generally speaking, it cancels magic of a certain rank and below. At rank B and over, the Servant won't be hurt even by high magery, ritual mantras, and other elaborate magery. Magus, [b]Caster[/b]. [i]Item Construction[/i] Ability to create weapons having magic power. As one of the main uses of this, there is the creation of Mystic Codes. [i]Territory Creation[/i] Ability to create a territory advantageous to oneself as a magus. The workshops of common magi are also included in as territories, but at rank A, it is possible to create a temple class territory exceeding that of a workshop. Silent killer, [b]Assassin[/b]. [i]Presence Concealment[/i] Ability to cut off one's presence as a Servant. It is possible to hide oneself from enemy Servants. Mad warrior, [b]Berserker[/b]. [i]Mad Enhancement[/i] Ability to increase the rank of each status in exchange for sanity. For each rank increase in Mad Enhance, the number of types of boosted parameters increase. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Magus Ranks] A rough measure of your talent as a magus by the Mages Association. This does not necessarily reflect your circuits, though having good ones will make being a powerful magus easier. Ranks can be inflated by prestige or politics rather than talent however. An example of a magus of this caliber is next to each Rank. Rank will be assigned by the GMs around the time of approval. Grand: Crown (Touko Aozaki) Only a handful of Magi in the existence of the Association have ever reached this point. This is the height of Magecraft in the modern era, a level even the Lords of Clocktower are unlikely to reach. Put simply, monsters in the form of humans. Brand: Color (Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald) The level of a talented Lord of Clocktower. A true prodigy is at this rank, someone who can revolutionize an entire field of magecraft just by existing. Around the absolute limit of someone like say, Rin Tohsaka. Those truly at the level of Brand in the Clocktower probably number in the couple hundred at most in its entire history. Pride: Law (Nigel Sayward) Exceptional Magus. Only a handful of Magi in a families entire history may exist at this rank. In fact a family is quite lucky to have such a great magus as their head at all. The difference between "Pride" and "Brand" is like the difference between the Heavens and the Earth below it. Fes: Festival (Norikata Emiya) A magus who has broken through the barrier that is 'my craft has matured and stabilized' and gotten past that important roadblock. A Fes is nothing to scoff at, if they received the rank from actual talent. In the history of their family, they will definitely be a noteworthy family head. Cause: Open (Protagonist F/GO) A magus who has fully stabilized their magecraft and its foundation. While this could be considered average, it is genuinely a feat to reach this point at all. Someone at this level is a "matured magus". Count: Eldest Child (Kiritsugu) Someone who uses magecraft at a level above a greenhorn, but has yet to stabilize their craft properly. Frame: Youngest Child (Ayaka Sajyou) Someone totally new to magecraft. A bit above the likes of Emiya Shirou, who can barely practice magecraft. At this level it's probably more about theory then actual magecraft. [/hider]--- [hider=Character limitations] [hider=Servants] Servant Ban List Heracles(Off Berserker), Gilgamesh, Nursery Rhyme, Ozymandias, joke Servants, or funny business Servants. Additionally, no Servant that would qualify for 'Grand' will be accepted at this time. Certain sheets or aspects of sheets may not be allowed for power balancing, though I expect this to be a rare occurrence. Double summon is inapplicable. Eastern Servants and Counter Heroes are allowed. All Servants must be historic or mythological figures who were born before 1970AD. Figures before Gilgamesh are banned. Additionally, Gods (Full Gods like Quetzacotl) and such are not applicable. Humans, mixed bloods, machines, and animals qualify as Servants. Try to avoid composite skills where able. [/hider] [hider=Masters] Masters may not be able to fight a Servant defensively. Masters may be any rank, except Grand. (Just be reasonable.) [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Useful Lore References] [url=https://www.tmdict.com/en/]TMdict[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pt-oDtq0ow-ZRLmdPC4tRlw9lJGzVHbvLJ2mQDvcjYc/edit]Complete Materials III- Theory of Magic[/url] [url=http://blogs.nrvnqsr.com/entry.php/3299-Fate-GO-Profiles]Fate/Grand Order Character Profiles[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NEZzQsil7Zgkajr6ESYIoW1JNN6aeBuG4kE2SZWghXw/edit]Beast's Lair Useful Notes[/url] [url=http://completematerial.pbworks.com/w/page/32479544/Index]World Material[/url] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/FGOGuide/comments/8epytu/fategrand_order_material_full_translation/]Fate/Grand Order Material[/url] [/hider]